- Abalone Shell
- accessories
- affirmation
- affirmation cards
- african turquoise
- agate
- air freshener
- almond
- Alternative Therapies
- amazing grace
- amazonite
- Amber
- amethyst
- ametrine
- ammonite
- Angel
- angelite
- angels
- animals
- anise
- anniversary card
- anniversary gift
- apache tears
- apatite
- aqua aura
- aqua terra
- Aquamarine
- Archangel
- argan
- aromatherapy
- Art
- Ascended Masters and Guides
- Athena
- auralite
- aventurine
- awareness
- azurite
- back flow incense
- backback
- backpack
- backscratcher
- bag attachment
- bags
- balance
- ball
- bamboo
- bangle
- banner
- bar soap
- baseball tee
- bath bomb
- bath melt
- bath soak
- bee
- beechwood
- Bell
- bells
- Bergamot
- Bicycle
- Biography & Memoir
- bird
- birds
- birthday card
- Birthstone
- Black
- black cat
- Black Obsidian
- Black Tourmaline
- blank cards
- bloodstone
- blue amber
- blue aragonite
- Blue Chalcedony
- blue lace agate
- blue onyx
- blue sky jasper
- blue topaz
- blue zircon
- body and spirit
- boho
- boho mug
- boho towel
- books
- botanical jewelry
- botanicals
- bottoms
- bracelet
- brass
- brazilian clay
- Bronze
- brown
- brushed
- bucket bag
- buddha
- buddhism
- business
- butterfly
- butterfly garland
- calendula
- calming
- can cooler
- Candle
- candle holder
- canvas
- cardigan
- cards
- carnelian
- Cascade
- castile soap
- Cat
- Cedarwood
- celestite
- celtic
- ceramic
- Chakra
- chakras
- chamomile
- charcoal
- charoite
- chevron amethyst
- Chip clip
- christianity
- chrysocolla
- chrysoprase
- citrine
- cleansing
- coconut
- coffee
- coin purse
- colored pencils
- colorful glass
- coloring book
- condolence card
- cone
- Confidence
- congratulations card
- cooking methods
- copper
- correspondence cards
- crackle quartz
- Crafts & Hobbies
- cross
- cross body bag
- Crown Chakra
- Crystal
- crystal specimen
- crystals
- Cubic Zirconia
- cuff
- cuff bracelet
- cutting board
- dark brown
- dead sea mud
- dead sea salt
- decocr
- decor
- decoration
- decorative chime
- design
- divination
- dog butt
- dog tag
- dolphin
- Dove's Heart
- dragonfly
- dragons blood
- dragonstone
- Dream
- Dream Catcher
- dreams
- dress
- druzy
- earrings
- Earth
- Earth Worriors
- eastern religions
- Egyptian Musk
- elephant
- emerald
- Emperor
- Enchanted Forest
- essential oil
- eternal rose
- eternity rose
- Eucalyptus
- evil eye
- face mask
- Fairy
- fall fashions
- family
- fashion
- feather
- female history
- female power
- feng shui
- Figruine
- figurine
- fire agate
- firefly
- Fisherman
- flamingo
- fluorite
- forever rose
- fossil
- fox
- fragrance
- fragrance oil
- Frank and Myrrh
- frankincense
- fregrance
- french green clay
- French Lavender
- frog
- funny
- furry bones
- Furrybones
- gag gift
- Gaia
- Games
- Ganesha
- garland
- garnet
- Gaspéite
- gemstone
- gemstone bracelet
- generations
- gift
- gift bags
- gifts
- glass beads
- glittens
- goat
- gold
- gold dipped rose
- goldstone
- Gong
- good luck
- graditude
- grand
- green goldstone
- Green Tourmaline
- gregorian alto
- Guardian
- Guardian Angel
- guidance
- guidence
- guitar
- haitian metal
- half
- half bloom rose
- hammered
- hamsa
- hamsa hand
- handmade
- handwarmer
- Haniel
- hat
- headbands
- healing
- healing hand
- health
- Health & Fitness
- heart
- hematite
- henna
- herbal
- herbs
- hiddenite
- himalayan salt
- historical fiction
- horse
- Horus
- hourglass
- Housewarming
- housewarming card
- howlite
- Human Anatomy
- Ice
- icicle
- incense
- incense cone
- incense holder
- india temple
- infinity
- infinity headband
- Inspiration & Motivation
- inspirational
- iolite
- jacket
- jade
- Japanese
- Jasmine
- Jasper
- jean
- jewelry
- jizo
- journal
- journals
- jumpsuit
- jute
- karma
- keychains
- kimono
- knits
- Kuan Yin
- kunzite
- kyanite
- labradorite
- lantern
- lapis
- large
- large bag
- larimar
- lava
- lava rock
- lava stone
- lavendar
- lavender
- leggings
- Lemon
- lemon chrysocolla
- Lemongrass
- Lenormand Cards
- leopard skin jasper
- lepidolite
- letters
- literary fiction
- locket
- lolite
- long sleeve
- Lori Mitchell
- lotus
- love
- low smoke
- luck card
- made in Bali
- made in Canada
- made in china
- made in India
- made in Indonesia
- made in Morocco
- made in Nepal
- made in Turkey
- magick
- magnet
- magnetic
- magnetoc
- malachite
- Malas
- mandala
- marcasite
- marriage
- marriage card
- masks
- massage
- matryoshka
- mediation
- mediative hands
- medicine
- meditation
- mediu m
- medium
- medium bag
- mens gifts
- mermaid
- messenger bag
- Metal Art
- metal bells
- metal chime
- mexican onyx
- military tent
- mind
- mindfullness
- mindfulness
- Mist
- misticks
- monk
- Monkey
- moodstar
- mookaite
- moon and stars
- moonlight
- Moonstone
- morganite
- morocco clay
- mortar & pestle
- mother of pearl
- mothers
- mothers day
- mudra
- Mug
- myrrh
- nag champa
- namaste
- Native American
- necklace
- nesting dolls
- new baby card
- Nonfiction
- Numerology
- obsidian
- ocean agate
- ocean jasper
- octagon
- onyx
- opal
- opalite
- Oracle Cards
- ornament
- oven mitt
- overalls
- pachelbel
- palo santo
- pants
- party
- past lives
- Patch
- patchouli
- patchouly
- Paua
- peace
- Peacock
- pearl
- pebble
- pendant
- peppermint
- Perfume
- peridot
- Personal Growth
- peruvian blue opal
- pets
- Philosophy
- pin
- pink mangano calcite
- pink opal
- pink tourmaline
- pistachio calcite
- Pluto
- poetry
- polished
- poncho
- poster
- pouch
- prayer
- Prayer Beads
- prayer flag
- prehnite
- prosperity hen
- protection
- Psychology
- purple
- Purpleheart
- purse
- pyrite
- quartz
- Rainbow
- rainbow moonstone
- Raven
- recycled material
- red jasper
- Reiki
- relaxation
- Religion
- rhodonite
- rhyolite
- rice bag
- ring
- Root
- Rose
- rose quartz
- Rosemary
- ruby
- ruby fuschite
- ruby zoisite
- rudraksha
- Sacral
- sage
- sage spray
- sandalwood
- sapphire
- sari/sarong
- Science
- scolecite
- scrunchie set
- Seal
- sedona red jasper
- selenite
- selenite lamp
- self help
- self love
- self-improvement
- sentiment
- serpentine
- serving spoons
- seven metals
- Shamanic
- shattuckite
- short sleeve
- shorts
- shungite
- Shunya Mudra
- Silver
- singing bowl
- Skeleton
- skirt
- sleep
- small
- small bag
- small bags
- smoky quartz
- smudge
- smudge feather
- smudging
- snowflake obsidian
- socks
- sodalite
- Solar Plexus
- solo bell
- spirit animal
- spiritual
- spiritual fiction
- St. Francis
- stationary
- stationery
- statue
- sterling silver
- stocking stuffer
- stone set
- Straw
- stress-relief
- suncatcher
- sunstone
- super hit
- super seven
- support card
- swarovski
- sweatshirt
- sweetgrass
- tabletop
- tan
- tangerine quartz
- tank top
- tanzanite
- tapestry
- tarot
- tarot cards
- Tea
- tea light holder
- tee
- tektite
- thank you card
- therapy balls
- thin
- Third Eye
- Throat Chakra
- tibetan prayer flag
- tiger's eye
- tin box
- tingsha
- tiny bag
- titanium
- topaz
- tops
- Tote
- tourmaline
- towels
- travel
- travel bag
- travel mug
- tray
- Tree
- Tree of life
- Trees
- tumbled stone
- tunic
- turkey
- turquoise
- unakite
- unicorn
- US Map
- valentines day
- vanilla
- Verdigris
- votive holder
- wall hanging
- wealth
- wedding favors
- wellness
- white
- white sage
- Wicca
- wide
- Willow Tree
- wind chime
- winter fashions
- wisdom
- witch
- witchcraft
- wolf
- women's empowerment
- womens gift
- wrap bracelet
- x-large
- yoga
- yoga top
- yoga wear
- Abalone Shell
- accessories
- affirmation
- affirmation cards
- african turquoise
- agate
- air freshener
- almond
- Alternative Therapies
- amazing grace
- amazonite
- Amber
- amethyst
- ametrine
- ammonite
- Angel
- angelite
- angels
- animals
- anise
- anniversary card
- anniversary gift
- apache tears
- apatite
- aqua aura
- aqua terra
- Aquamarine
- Archangel
- argan
- aromatherapy
- Art
- Ascended Masters and Guides
- Athena
- auralite
- aventurine
- awareness
- azurite
- back flow incense
- backback
- backpack
- backscratcher
- bag attachment
- bags
- balance
- ball
- bamboo
- bangle
- banner
- bar soap
- baseball tee
- bath bomb
- bath melt
- bath soak
- bee
- beechwood
- Bell
- bells
- Bergamot
- Bicycle
- Biography & Memoir
- bird
- birds
- birthday card
- Birthstone
- Black
- black cat
- Black Obsidian
- Black Tourmaline
- blank cards
- bloodstone
- blue amber
- blue aragonite
- Blue Chalcedony
- blue lace agate
- blue onyx
- blue sky jasper
- blue topaz
- blue zircon
- body and spirit
- boho
- boho mug
- boho towel
- books
- botanical jewelry
- botanicals
- bottoms
- bracelet
- brass
- brazilian clay
- Bronze
- brown
- brushed
- bucket bag
- buddha
- buddhism
- business
- butterfly
- butterfly garland
- calendula
- calming
- can cooler
- Candle
- candle holder
- canvas
- cardigan
- cards
- carnelian
- Cascade
- castile soap
- Cat
- Cedarwood
- celestite
- celtic
- ceramic
- Chakra
- chakras
- chamomile
- charcoal
- charoite
- chevron amethyst
- Chip clip
- christianity
- chrysocolla
- chrysoprase
- citrine
- cleansing
- coconut
- coffee
- coin purse
- colored pencils
- colorful glass
- coloring book
- condolence card
- cone
- Confidence
- congratulations card
- cooking methods
- copper
- correspondence cards
- crackle quartz
- Crafts & Hobbies
- cross
- cross body bag
- Crown Chakra
- Crystal
- crystal specimen
- crystals
- Cubic Zirconia
- cuff
- cuff bracelet
- cutting board
- dark brown
- dead sea mud
- dead sea salt
- decocr
- decor
- decoration
- decorative chime
- design
- divination
- dog butt
- dog tag
- dolphin
- Dove's Heart
- dragonfly
- dragons blood
- dragonstone
- Dream
- Dream Catcher
- dreams
- dress
- druzy
- earrings
- Earth
- Earth Worriors
- eastern religions
- Egyptian Musk
- elephant
- emerald
- Emperor
- Enchanted Forest
- essential oil
- eternal rose
- eternity rose
- Eucalyptus
- evil eye
- face mask
- Fairy
- fall fashions
- family
- fashion
- feather
- female history
- female power
- feng shui
- Figruine
- figurine
- fire agate
- firefly
- Fisherman
- flamingo
- fluorite
- forever rose
- fossil
- fox
- fragrance
- fragrance oil
- Frank and Myrrh
- frankincense
- fregrance
- french green clay
- French Lavender
- frog
- funny
- furry bones
- Furrybones
- gag gift
- Gaia
- Games
- Ganesha
- garland
- garnet
- Gaspéite
- gemstone
- gemstone bracelet
- generations
- gift
- gift bags
- gifts
- glass beads
- glittens
- goat
- gold
- gold dipped rose
- goldstone
- Gong
- good luck
- graditude
- grand
- green goldstone
- Green Tourmaline
- gregorian alto
- Guardian
- Guardian Angel
- guidance
- guidence
- guitar
- haitian metal
- half
- half bloom rose
- hammered
- hamsa
- hamsa hand
- handmade
- handwarmer
- Haniel
- hat
- headbands
- healing
- healing hand
- health
- Health & Fitness
- heart
- hematite
- henna
- herbal
- herbs
- hiddenite
- himalayan salt
- historical fiction
- horse
- Horus
- hourglass
- Housewarming
- housewarming card
- howlite
- Human Anatomy
- Ice
- icicle
- incense
- incense cone
- incense holder
- india temple
- infinity
- infinity headband
- Inspiration & Motivation
- inspirational
- iolite
- jacket
- jade
- Japanese
- Jasmine
- Jasper
- jean
- jewelry
- jizo
- journal
- journals
- jumpsuit
- jute
- karma
- keychains
- kimono
- knits
- Kuan Yin
- kunzite
- kyanite
- labradorite
- lantern
- lapis
- large
- large bag
- larimar
- lava
- lava rock
- lava stone
- lavendar
- lavender
- leggings
- Lemon
- lemon chrysocolla
- Lemongrass
- Lenormand Cards
- leopard skin jasper
- lepidolite
- letters
- literary fiction
- locket
- lolite
- long sleeve
- Lori Mitchell
- lotus
- love
- low smoke
- luck card
- made in Bali
- made in Canada
- made in china
- made in India
- made in Indonesia
- made in Morocco
- made in Nepal
- made in Turkey
- magick
- magnet
- magnetic
- magnetoc
- malachite
- Malas
- mandala
- marcasite
- marriage
- marriage card
- masks
- massage
- matryoshka
- mediation
- mediative hands
- medicine
- meditation
- mediu m
- medium
- medium bag
- mens gifts
- mermaid
- messenger bag
- Metal Art
- metal bells
- metal chime
- mexican onyx
- military tent
- mind
- mindfullness
- mindfulness
- Mist
- misticks
- monk
- Monkey
- moodstar
- mookaite
- moon and stars
- moonlight
- Moonstone
- morganite
- morocco clay
- mortar & pestle
- mother of pearl
- mothers
- mothers day
- mudra
- Mug
- myrrh
- nag champa
- namaste
- Native American
- necklace
- nesting dolls
- new baby card
- Nonfiction
- Numerology
- obsidian
- ocean agate
- ocean jasper
- octagon
- onyx
- opal
- opalite
- Oracle Cards
- ornament
- oven mitt
- overalls
- pachelbel
- palo santo
- pants
- party
- past lives
- Patch
- patchouli
- patchouly
- Paua
- peace
- Peacock
- pearl
- pebble
- pendant
- peppermint
- Perfume
- peridot
- Personal Growth
- peruvian blue opal
- pets
- Philosophy
- pin
- pink mangano calcite
- pink opal
- pink tourmaline
- pistachio calcite
- Pluto
- poetry
- polished
- poncho
- poster
- pouch
- prayer
- Prayer Beads
- prayer flag
- prehnite
- prosperity hen
- protection
- Psychology
- purple
- Purpleheart
- purse
- pyrite
- quartz
- Rainbow
- rainbow moonstone
- Raven
- recycled material
- red jasper
- Reiki
- relaxation
- Religion
- rhodonite
- rhyolite
- rice bag
- ring
- Root
- Rose
- rose quartz
- Rosemary
- ruby
- ruby fuschite
- ruby zoisite
- rudraksha
- Sacral
- sage
- sage spray
- sandalwood
- sapphire
- sari/sarong
- Science
- scolecite
- scrunchie set
- Seal
- sedona red jasper
- selenite
- selenite lamp
- self help
- self love
- self-improvement
- sentiment
- serpentine
- serving spoons
- seven metals
- Shamanic
- shattuckite
- short sleeve
- shorts
- shungite
- Shunya Mudra
- Silver
- singing bowl
- Skeleton
- skirt
- sleep
- small
- small bag
- small bags
- smoky quartz
- smudge
- smudge feather
- smudging
- snowflake obsidian
- socks
- sodalite
- Solar Plexus
- solo bell
- spirit animal
- spiritual
- spiritual fiction
- St. Francis
- stationary
- stationery
- statue
- sterling silver
- stocking stuffer
- stone set
- Straw
- stress-relief
- suncatcher
- sunstone
- super hit
- super seven
- support card
- swarovski
- sweatshirt
- sweetgrass
- tabletop
- tan
- tangerine quartz
- tank top
- tanzanite
- tapestry
- tarot
- tarot cards
- Tea
- tea light holder
- tee
- tektite
- thank you card
- therapy balls
- thin
- Third Eye
- Throat Chakra
- tibetan prayer flag
- tiger's eye
- tin box
- tingsha
- tiny bag
- titanium
- topaz
- tops
- Tote
- tourmaline
- towels
- travel
- travel bag
- travel mug
- tray
- Tree
- Tree of life
- Trees
- tumbled stone
- tunic
- turkey
- turquoise
- unakite
- unicorn
- US Map
- valentines day
- vanilla
- Verdigris
- votive holder
- wall hanging
- wealth
- wedding favors
- wellness
- white
- white sage
- Wicca
- wide
- Willow Tree
- wind chime
- winter fashions
- wisdom
- witch
- witchcraft
- wolf
- women's empowerment
- womens gift
- wrap bracelet
- x-large
- yoga
- yoga top
- yoga wear
2251 products
Sterling Silver Lotus Bloom Ring
Regular price $36.99 Save $-36.99Sterling Silver OM Design Ring
Regular price $19.99 Save $-19.99Mother of Pearl Stack Ring
Regular price $32.00 Save $-32.00Gentle Giant Elephant Head Sterling Silver Pendant
Regular price $52.99 Save $-52.99Copper Ganesh Ring
Regular price $26.99 Save $-26.99Sterling Silver Locket-Angel Wings Pendant
Regular price $79.99 Save $-79.9928mm in length, including bail x 23mm - This piece is a functional locket which opens in the center. The Wings are like doors that open and close.
The front side displays incredibly detailed wings and the backside is highly polished.
Stainless Steel Chamber Pendant-Polished
Regular price $21.99 Save $-21.99Stainless Steel Chamber Pendant- Highly Polished - 30mm x 12mm
Excellent for Prayers, Wishes, Ashes, Baby, Puppy, Kitten Teeth,
Hair, Medication, Valuables, Keepsakes, Tiny gem stones, Photos.
Sterling Silver Yin/Yang-4mm Post Earrings
Regular price $19.99 Save $-19.994mm with enamel post earrings.
Yin/Yang is a symbol of Chinese Philosophy.
It represents our wish to find balance within the positive and negative aspects within our universe.
Sterling Silver Wale Tail Necklace
Regular price $59.99 Save $-59.99- Nickel-free and lead-free
- Hypoallergenic and antimicrobial
Purple Resin Sterling Silver Humming Bird Necklace
Regular price $68.99 Save $-68.99The hummingbird symbolizes joy and playfulness, and adaptability.
- Certified .925 fine sterling silver
- Ethically-made by hand by artisans in Bangkok, Thailand
- Made with mine-free, recycled silver from the USA
- The jewelry is nontoxic, nickel-free
- Chain length: 20"
Sterling Silver Dangle Earrings - Green
Regular price $78.99 Save $-78.99Mountains Bracelet
Regular price $31.50 Save $-31.50Fox Stud Earrings
Regular price $26.99 Save $-26.99Rough Howlite Stone Ring
Regular price $74.99 Save $-74.99Tumbled howlite crystal electroformed to a hand-hammered 12 gauge recycled copper ring.
This piece of jewelry is unique and one-of-a-kind. Please note there will likely be variances in the size, shape and color of each stone. All elements of your piece are handcrafted in a tiny studio on the island of Martha’s Vineyard.
Teardrop Labradorite Necklace
Regular price $91.99 Save $-91.99Small labradorite teardrop cabochon electroformed and strung on an 18" sterling silver ball chain.
This piece of jewelry is unique and one-of-a-kind. Please note there will likely be variances in the size, shape and color of each stone. All elements of your piece are handcrafted in a tiny studio on the island of Martha’s Vineyard.
Birthstone - Aquarius and Pisces - Feburary
*A stone that helps the unseen be seen, awaking its wearer’s magical abilities.
*Stone for those in the healing arts or medical fields, as it helps bring out empathy and sensitivity.
*Labradorite helps clear negativity and cleanse the aura.
Rose Quartz Crystal Necklace
Regular price $98.99 Save $-98.99Raw rose quartz crystal electroformed and strung on a 24" sterling silver satellite chain.
This piece of jewelry is unique and one-of-a-kind. Please note there will likely be variances in the size, shape and color of each stone. All elements of your piece are handcrafted in a tiny studio on the island of Martha’s Vineyard.
Birthstone - January
Capricorn, Aquarius, Taurus, Cancer
*Carries frequencies of unconditional love and gentleness.
*Facilitates deep heart healing, physical/emotional/spiritual.
*Releases stress, doubt and anxiety.
*Has the capacity to influence spiritual transformation through the power of love
Raw Turquoise Stacking Ring
Regular price $74.99 Save $-74.99Large turquoise nugget electroformed to a hand-hammered 12 gauge recycled copper ring.
This piece of jewelry is unique and one-of-a-kind. Please note there will likely be variances in the size, shape and color of each stone. All elements of your piece are handcrafted in a tiny studio on the island of Martha’s Vineyard.
Birthstone - Sagittarius and Capricorn - December
*Traditionally worn to protect riders from falls and injuries due to riding horses, now it is considered great protection for all forms of travel.
*Helps people find lasting friendships.
*A powerful stone helping people find luck, success, ambition and creativity.
Raw Peridot Necklace
Regular price $91.99 Save $-91.99Raw peridot crystal electroformed and strung on an 18" sterling silver ball chain.
This piece of jewelry is unique and one-of-a-kind. Please note there will likely be variances in the size, shape and color of each stone. All elements of your piece are handcrafted in a tiny studio on the island of Martha’s Vineyard.
Birthstone - Leo and Virgo - August
*Helps in manifestation of everything it’s wearer wants to achieve.
*Cultivates joy, prosperity and happiness.
*Brings confidence and assertiveness into your life, with a balance of patience and clarity of mind.
Polished Amethyst Necklace
Regular price $91.99 Save $-91.99Small polished amethyst crystal electroformed and strung on a 24" copper chain "dipped" for an ombre finish.
This piece of jewelry is unique and one-of-a-kind. Please note there will likely be variances in the size, shape and color of each stone. All elements of your piece are handcrafted in a tiny studio on the island of Martha’s Vineyard.
Birthstone - Aquarius and Pisces - February
*Purifies and cleanses the aura.
*Creates an energetic shield around your body good for protection while traveling and matters of business and finances.
*Strengthens power of perception and helps stimulate your third eye assisting the development of psychic intuition.
*Helpful when working to overcome addictions.
Raw Pink Tourmaline Necklace
Regular price $91.99 Save $-91.99Raw pink tourmaline crystal electroformed and strung on an 18" sterling silver ball chain.
This jewelry piece is unique and one-of-a-kind. Please note there will likely be variances in the size, shape and color of each stone. All elements of your piece are handcrafted in a tiny studio on the island of Martha’s Vineyard.
Birthstone - Libra - September and October
*A grounding stone, to be worn everyday to bring calmness and stability to its wearers’ life.
*Helps guard its wearer from absorbing other people’s negative energy and stress.
*Good for people who suffer from anxiety and panic attacks.
Crystal Moon Necklace
Regular price $98.99 Save $-98.99Crescent moon druzy slice electroformed and strung on a 24" sterling silver chain. Moons are roughly 1 -1/4".
This piece of jewelry is unique and one-of-a-kind. Please note there will be variances in the size, shape and color of each stone. All elements of your piece are handcrafted in a tiny studio on the island of Martha’s Vineyard.
Birthstone - Aquarius and Pisces - February
*Purifies and cleanses the aura
*Creates an energetic shield around your body good for protection while traveling and matters of business and finances
*Strengthens power of perception and helps stimulate your third eye assisting the development of psychic intuition
*Helpful when working to overcome addictions
Crescent Moon Necklace
Regular price $98.99 Save $-98.99Crescent moon druzy slice electroformed and strung on a 24" sterling silver satellite chain. Moons are roughly 1 -1/4".
This piece of jewelry is unique and one-of-a-kind. Please note there will likely be variances in the size, shape and color of each stone. All elements of your piece are handcrafted in a tiny studio on the island of Martha’s Vineyard.
*Clear Quartz is the most versatile & programmable crystal of all the healing minerals
*It amplifies the energy of all the crystals around it helping to manifest anything you program into it
*Perfect base crystal for people just beginning to learn about the healing powers of crystals
Agate Slice Necklace
Regular price $74.99 Save $-74.99Medium agate slice pendant electroformed in copper and strung on a 24" copper plain chain.
This jewelry piece is unique and one-of-a-kind. Please note there will likely be variances in the size, shape and color of each stone. All elements of your piece are handcrafted in a tiny studio on the island of Martha’s Vineyard.
Birthstone - June - Gemini, Capricorn, and Scorpio
*Stabilizes and strengthens the wearer
*Helpful for grounding & creating a sense of safety
*Balances positive and negative energies
30" Copper Amethyst Crystal Necklace
Regular price $91.99 Save $-91.99Large amethyst crystal pendant electroformed and strung on a 30" copper chain.
This piece is unique and one-of-a-kind. Please note there will likely be variances in the size, shape and color of each stone. All elements of your piece are handcrafted in a tiny studio on the island of Martha’s Vineyard.
Birthstone - Aquarius and Pisces - February
*Purifies and cleanses the aura
*Creates an energetic shield around your body good for protection while traveling and matters of business and finances
*Strengthens power of perception and helps stimulate your third eye assisting the development of psychic intuition
*Helpful when working to overcome addictions
Gold Sheen Obsidian Necklace
Regular price $60.99 Save $-60.99Gold sheen obsidian teardrop electroformed and strung on an 18" copper chain.
This piece is unique and one-of-a-kind. Please note there will likely be variances in the size, shape and color of each stone. All elements of your piece are handcrafted in a tiny studio on the island of Martha’s Vineyard.
OBSIDIAN (Silica-rich volcanic rock)
*Cultivates psychic protection
*Cleansing of negative energy
*An ally in spirit communication
Garnet Cross Bracelet
Regular price $162.00 Save $-162.00Deep red garnet stones and black leather are a perfect combination for a looks that’s edgy yet vintage inspired.
-Adjustable up to 10″
-Garnet, Leather
-Brass Electroplated with 24k Gold
Tropical Heart Necklace
Regular price $136.00 Save $-136.00-Length: 16″ to 22″
-Swarovski Crystals, Glass CabochonS, Leather
-Brass electroplated with 24k Gold
Black Evil Eye Ring with Crystal Center and Edges
Regular price $92.99 Save $-92.99-Materials: Swarovski crystals
-Metal: 24K gold electroplated over brass
-Size: fully adjustable, one size fits all
Garnet Hamsa Bracelet
Regular price $211.00 Save $-211.00Gold accents and dark red garnet stones give this hamsa a glamorous and vintage feel. A black leather strap adds some contemporary edge to this piece, and means that this bracelet is super comfortable to wear! The dark jewel tones of this piece make it great to wear in fall and winter. The hamsa is a good luck charm and protective symbol found in a variety of cultures so think of this bracelet as a lucky charm.
-Materials: Garnet, leather
-Metal: 24K gold electroplated over brass
-Size: strap adjustable 7″-8″ and pendant 0.75” long
Classic Gold Evil Eye Necklace
Regular price $128.00 Save $-128.00A luxurious Evil Eye necklace embedded with Swarovski crystals, plated in 24K gold and hanging on a triple gold chain. A timeless piece that can be layered with your favorite gold jewelry or stand on it’s own.
-Materials: Swarovski crystals
-Metal: 24K gold electroplated over brass
-Size: Chain adjustable 16-21″ + pendant 1” wide and 0.5″ long
-Lobster claw clasp
-Handmade in our NYC studio
-Complimentary gift wrapping
In Middle Eastern cultures, the evil eye is worn as a good luck charm.
Black and Crystal Evil Eye Necklace
Regular price $127.99 Save $-127.99-Materials: Swarovski crystals
-Metal: 24K gold electroplated over brass
-Size: Chain adjustable 16-21″ + pendant 1” wide and 0.5″ long
-Lobster claw clasp
In Middle Eastern cultures, the evil eye is worn as a good luck charm.
Small Night Garden Cross on Beaded Chain Necklace
Regular price $129.99 Save $-129.99-Length 14″ to 18″
-Swarovski Crystals
-Brass Electroplated with 24k Gold
-Handmade in NY
Moonlight Cross Bracelet
Regular price $359.00 Save $-359.00-Materials: Swarovski crystals, freshwater pearls, glass beads
-Metal: Sterling silver electroplated over brass
-Size: Adjustable 7-8”
-Lever back
Small Gold Evil Eye Necklace with Crystal Center on Double Strand Chain
Regular price $79.99 Save $-79.99Midnight Garden Heart Necklace
Regular price $158.00 Save $-158.00-Length: 14″ to 18″
-Swarovski Crystals, Glass Beads, Glass Cabochons
-Brass electroplated with 24k Gold
Cerulean Circle Beaded Necklace
Regular price $189.99 Save $-189.99-Materials: Swarovski crystals, European glass cabochons, glass beads, enamel
-Metal: Sterling silver electroplated over brass
-Size: Chain adjustable 14-18”, pendant 1 ½”
-Lobster claw clasp
Moonlight Heart Necklace
Regular price $138.00 Save $-138.00-Materials: Swarovski crystals, freshwater pearls, glass beads
-Metal: Sterling silver electroplated over brass
-Size: Chain adjustable 15-19”, pendant 1”
-Lobster claw clasp
-Handmade in NY studio
Blue and Fuschia Wall Hamsa
Regular price $199.00 Save $-199.00Fuschia crystals add a feminine touch to this lovely deep blue wall Hamsa. An intricate and unique piece of home decor that is sure to draw attention from guests. The Hamsa is a symbol of good luck meant to ward of negative energy, this versatile symbol can be displayed and worn by all.
-Materials: Swarovski Crystal, Glass Cabochons
-Metal: sterling silver electroplated over brass and white metal
-Size: 4.5” inches long
Coral and Turquoise Wall Hamsa
Regular price $222.00 Save $-222.00The summery hues of this wall Hamsa make it perfect for a any house. A stunning piece that all your guests will compliment. The Hamsa is a symbol of good luck meant to ward of negative energy, this versatile symbol can be displayed and worn by all.
-Materials: Swarovski Crystal, Glass Cabochons
-Metal: 24K gold electroplated over brass and white metal
-Size: 4.5” inches long
Midnight Garden Wall Cross
Regular price $151.00 Save $-151.00Nora Vintage Key Crystal Necklace
Regular price $56.00 Save $-56.00Rosabella Crystal Heart Necklace
Regular price $59.99 Save $-59.99- Antiqued sterling silver plated finding and chain
- Measures Approximately: Pendant 1 1/16" L x 1 1/16" W; Chain 16”-18" adjustable
Small Cross Pendant - Crystal
Regular price $56.00 Save $-56.00- Antiqued sterling silver plated finding and chain
- Measures Approximately: Pendant 1 1/8” L x 5/8” W; Chain 16”-18" adjustable
Jolie "Jill's Garden" Flower Earrings
Regular price $39.99 Save $-39.99Fiona "Jill's Garden" Flower Earrings
Regular price $67.99 Save $-67.99Grace "Jill's Garden" Flower Earrings
Regular price $39.00 Save $-39.00Turn on the Charm Turquoise Sterling Silver Ring
Regular price $34.99 Save $-34.99Pearly Bouquet Mother of Pearl Sterling Silver Necklace
Regular price $69.99 Save $-69.99Smiling Sun Sterling Silver Dangle Earrings
Regular price $48.99 Save $-48.99