- Abalone Shell
- accessories
- affirmation
- affirmation cards
- african turquoise
- agate
- air freshener
- almond
- Alternative Therapies
- amazing grace
- amazonite
- Amber
- amethyst
- ametrine
- ammonite
- Angel
- angelite
- angels
- animals
- anise
- anniversary card
- anniversary gift
- apache tears
- apatite
- aqua aura
- aqua terra
- Aquamarine
- Archangel
- argan
- aromatherapy
- Art
- Ascended Masters and Guides
- Athena
- auralite
- aventurine
- awareness
- azurite
- back flow incense
- backback
- backpack
- backscratcher
- bag attachment
- bags
- balance
- ball
- bamboo
- bangle
- banner
- bar soap
- baseball tee
- bath bomb
- bath melt
- bath soak
- bee
- beechwood
- Bell
- bells
- Bergamot
- Bicycle
- Biography & Memoir
- bird
- birds
- birthday card
- Birthstone
- Black
- black cat
- Black Obsidian
- Black Tourmaline
- blank cards
- bloodstone
- blue amber
- blue aragonite
- Blue Chalcedony
- blue lace agate
- blue onyx
- blue sky jasper
- blue topaz
- blue zircon
- body and spirit
- boho
- boho mug
- boho towel
- books
- botanical jewelry
- botanicals
- bottoms
- bracelet
- brass
- brazilian clay
- Bronze
- brown
- brushed
- bucket bag
- buddha
- buddhism
- business
- butterfly
- butterfly garland
- calendula
- calming
- can cooler
- Candle
- candle holder
- canvas
- cardigan
- cards
- carnelian
- Cascade
- castile soap
- Cat
- Cedarwood
- celestite
- celtic
- ceramic
- Chakra
- chakras
- chamomile
- charcoal
- charoite
- chevron amethyst
- Chip clip
- christianity
- chrysocolla
- chrysoprase
- citrine
- cleansing
- coconut
- coffee
- coin purse
- colored pencils
- colorful glass
- coloring book
- condolence card
- cone
- Confidence
- congratulations card
- cooking methods
- copper
- correspondence cards
- crackle quartz
- Crafts & Hobbies
- cross
- cross body bag
- Crown Chakra
- Crystal
- crystal specimen
- crystals
- Cubic Zirconia
- cuff
- cuff bracelet
- cutting board
- dark brown
- dead sea mud
- dead sea salt
- decocr
- decor
- decoration
- decorative chime
- design
- divination
- dog butt
- dog tag
- dolphin
- Dove's Heart
- dragonfly
- dragons blood
- dragonstone
- Dream
- Dream Catcher
- dreams
- dress
- druzy
- earrings
- Earth
- Earth Worriors
- eastern religions
- Egyptian Musk
- elephant
- emerald
- Emperor
- Enchanted Forest
- essential oil
- eternal rose
- eternity rose
- Eucalyptus
- evil eye
- face mask
- Fairy
- fall fashions
- family
- fashion
- feather
- female history
- female power
- feng shui
- Figruine
- figurine
- fire agate
- firefly
- Fisherman
- flamingo
- fluorite
- forever rose
- fossil
- fox
- fragrance
- fragrance oil
- Frank and Myrrh
- frankincense
- fregrance
- french green clay
- French Lavender
- frog
- funny
- furry bones
- Furrybones
- gag gift
- Gaia
- Games
- Ganesha
- garland
- garnet
- Gaspéite
- gemstone
- gemstone bracelet
- generations
- gift
- gift bags
- gifts
- glass beads
- glittens
- goat
- gold
- gold dipped rose
- goldstone
- Gong
- good luck
- graditude
- grand
- green goldstone
- Green Tourmaline
- gregorian alto
- Guardian
- Guardian Angel
- guidance
- guidence
- guitar
- haitian metal
- half
- half bloom rose
- hammered
- hamsa
- hamsa hand
- handmade
- handwarmer
- Haniel
- hat
- headbands
- healing
- healing hand
- health
- Health & Fitness
- heart
- hematite
- henna
- herbal
- herbs
- hiddenite
- himalayan salt
- historical fiction
- horse
- Horus
- hourglass
- Housewarming
- housewarming card
- howlite
- Human Anatomy
- Ice
- icicle
- incense
- incense cone
- incense holder
- india temple
- infinity
- infinity headband
- Inspiration & Motivation
- inspirational
- iolite
- jacket
- jade
- Japanese
- Jasmine
- Jasper
- jean
- jewelry
- jizo
- journal
- journals
- jumpsuit
- jute
- karma
- keychains
- kimono
- knits
- Kuan Yin
- kunzite
- kyanite
- labradorite
- lantern
- lapis
- large
- large bag
- larimar
- lava
- lava rock
- lava stone
- lavendar
- lavender
- leggings
- Lemon
- lemon chrysocolla
- Lemongrass
- Lenormand Cards
- leopard skin jasper
- lepidolite
- letters
- literary fiction
- locket
- lolite
- long sleeve
- Lori Mitchell
- lotus
- love
- low smoke
- luck card
- made in Bali
- made in Canada
- made in china
- made in India
- made in Indonesia
- made in Morocco
- made in Nepal
- made in Turkey
- magick
- magnet
- magnetic
- magnetoc
- malachite
- Malas
- mandala
- marcasite
- marriage
- marriage card
- masks
- massage
- matryoshka
- mediation
- mediative hands
- medicine
- meditation
- mediu m
- medium
- medium bag
- mens gifts
- mermaid
- messenger bag
- Metal Art
- metal bells
- metal chime
- mexican onyx
- military tent
- mind
- mindfullness
- mindfulness
- Mist
- misticks
- monk
- Monkey
- moodstar
- mookaite
- moon and stars
- moonlight
- Moonstone
- morganite
- morocco clay
- mortar & pestle
- mother of pearl
- mothers
- mothers day
- mudra
- Mug
- myrrh
- nag champa
- namaste
- Native American
- necklace
- nesting dolls
- new baby card
- Nonfiction
- Numerology
- obsidian
- ocean agate
- ocean jasper
- octagon
- onyx
- opal
- opalite
- Oracle Cards
- ornament
- oven mitt
- overalls
- pachelbel
- palo santo
- pants
- party
- past lives
- Patch
- patchouli
- patchouly
- Paua
- peace
- Peacock
- pearl
- pebble
- pendant
- peppermint
- Perfume
- peridot
- Personal Growth
- peruvian blue opal
- pets
- Philosophy
- pin
- pink mangano calcite
- pink opal
- pink tourmaline
- pistachio calcite
- Pluto
- poetry
- polished
- poncho
- poster
- pouch
- prayer
- Prayer Beads
- prayer flag
- prehnite
- prosperity hen
- protection
- Psychology
- purple
- Purpleheart
- purse
- pyrite
- quartz
- Rainbow
- rainbow moonstone
- Raven
- recycled material
- red jasper
- Reiki
- relaxation
- Religion
- rhodonite
- rhyolite
- rice bag
- ring
- Root
- Rose
- rose quartz
- Rosemary
- ruby
- ruby fuschite
- ruby zoisite
- rudraksha
- Sacral
- sage
- sage spray
- sandalwood
- sapphire
- sari/sarong
- Science
- scolecite
- scrunchie set
- Seal
- sedona red jasper
- selenite
- selenite lamp
- self help
- self love
- self-improvement
- sentiment
- serpentine
- serving spoons
- seven metals
- Shamanic
- shattuckite
- short sleeve
- shorts
- shungite
- Shunya Mudra
- Silver
- singing bowl
- Skeleton
- skirt
- sleep
- small
- small bag
- small bags
- smoky quartz
- smudge
- smudge feather
- smudging
- snowflake obsidian
- socks
- sodalite
- Solar Plexus
- solo bell
- spirit animal
- spiritual
- spiritual fiction
- St. Francis
- stationary
- stationery
- statue
- sterling silver
- stocking stuffer
- stone set
- Straw
- stress-relief
- suncatcher
- sunstone
- super hit
- super seven
- support card
- swarovski
- sweatshirt
- sweetgrass
- tabletop
- tan
- tangerine quartz
- tank top
- tanzanite
- tapestry
- tarot
- tarot cards
- Tea
- tea light holder
- tee
- tektite
- thank you card
- therapy balls
- thin
- Third Eye
- Throat Chakra
- tibetan prayer flag
- tiger's eye
- tin box
- tingsha
- tiny bag
- titanium
- topaz
- tops
- Tote
- tourmaline
- towels
- travel
- travel bag
- travel mug
- tray
- Tree
- Tree of life
- Trees
- tumbled stone
- tunic
- turkey
- turquoise
- unakite
- unicorn
- US Map
- valentines day
- vanilla
- Verdigris
- votive holder
- wall hanging
- wealth
- wedding favors
- wellness
- white
- white sage
- Wicca
- wide
- Willow Tree
- wind chime
- winter fashions
- wisdom
- witch
- witchcraft
- wolf
- women's empowerment
- womens gift
- wrap bracelet
- x-large
- yoga
- yoga top
- yoga wear
- Abalone Shell
- accessories
- affirmation
- affirmation cards
- african turquoise
- agate
- air freshener
- almond
- Alternative Therapies
- amazing grace
- amazonite
- Amber
- amethyst
- ametrine
- ammonite
- Angel
- angelite
- angels
- animals
- anise
- anniversary card
- anniversary gift
- apache tears
- apatite
- aqua aura
- aqua terra
- Aquamarine
- Archangel
- argan
- aromatherapy
- Art
- Ascended Masters and Guides
- Athena
- auralite
- aventurine
- awareness
- azurite
- back flow incense
- backback
- backpack
- backscratcher
- bag attachment
- bags
- balance
- ball
- bamboo
- bangle
- banner
- bar soap
- baseball tee
- bath bomb
- bath melt
- bath soak
- bee
- beechwood
- Bell
- bells
- Bergamot
- Bicycle
- Biography & Memoir
- bird
- birds
- birthday card
- Birthstone
- Black
- black cat
- Black Obsidian
- Black Tourmaline
- blank cards
- bloodstone
- blue amber
- blue aragonite
- Blue Chalcedony
- blue lace agate
- blue onyx
- blue sky jasper
- blue topaz
- blue zircon
- body and spirit
- boho
- boho mug
- boho towel
- books
- botanical jewelry
- botanicals
- bottoms
- bracelet
- brass
- brazilian clay
- Bronze
- brown
- brushed
- bucket bag
- buddha
- buddhism
- business
- butterfly
- butterfly garland
- calendula
- calming
- can cooler
- Candle
- candle holder
- canvas
- cardigan
- cards
- carnelian
- Cascade
- castile soap
- Cat
- Cedarwood
- celestite
- celtic
- ceramic
- Chakra
- chakras
- chamomile
- charcoal
- charoite
- chevron amethyst
- Chip clip
- christianity
- chrysocolla
- chrysoprase
- citrine
- cleansing
- coconut
- coffee
- coin purse
- colored pencils
- colorful glass
- coloring book
- condolence card
- cone
- Confidence
- congratulations card
- cooking methods
- copper
- correspondence cards
- crackle quartz
- Crafts & Hobbies
- cross
- cross body bag
- Crown Chakra
- Crystal
- crystal specimen
- crystals
- Cubic Zirconia
- cuff
- cuff bracelet
- cutting board
- dark brown
- dead sea mud
- dead sea salt
- decocr
- decor
- decoration
- decorative chime
- design
- divination
- dog butt
- dog tag
- dolphin
- Dove's Heart
- dragonfly
- dragons blood
- dragonstone
- Dream
- Dream Catcher
- dreams
- dress
- druzy
- earrings
- Earth
- Earth Worriors
- eastern religions
- Egyptian Musk
- elephant
- emerald
- Emperor
- Enchanted Forest
- essential oil
- eternal rose
- eternity rose
- Eucalyptus
- evil eye
- face mask
- Fairy
- fall fashions
- family
- fashion
- feather
- female history
- female power
- feng shui
- Figruine
- figurine
- fire agate
- firefly
- Fisherman
- flamingo
- fluorite
- forever rose
- fossil
- fox
- fragrance
- fragrance oil
- Frank and Myrrh
- frankincense
- fregrance
- french green clay
- French Lavender
- frog
- funny
- furry bones
- Furrybones
- gag gift
- Gaia
- Games
- Ganesha
- garland
- garnet
- Gaspéite
- gemstone
- gemstone bracelet
- generations
- gift
- gift bags
- gifts
- glass beads
- glittens
- goat
- gold
- gold dipped rose
- goldstone
- Gong
- good luck
- graditude
- grand
- green goldstone
- Green Tourmaline
- gregorian alto
- Guardian
- Guardian Angel
- guidance
- guidence
- guitar
- haitian metal
- half
- half bloom rose
- hammered
- hamsa
- hamsa hand
- handmade
- handwarmer
- Haniel
- hat
- headbands
- healing
- healing hand
- health
- Health & Fitness
- heart
- hematite
- henna
- herbal
- herbs
- hiddenite
- himalayan salt
- historical fiction
- horse
- Horus
- hourglass
- Housewarming
- housewarming card
- howlite
- Human Anatomy
- Ice
- icicle
- incense
- incense cone
- incense holder
- india temple
- infinity
- infinity headband
- Inspiration & Motivation
- inspirational
- iolite
- jacket
- jade
- Japanese
- Jasmine
- Jasper
- jean
- jewelry
- jizo
- journal
- journals
- jumpsuit
- jute
- karma
- keychains
- kimono
- knits
- Kuan Yin
- kunzite
- kyanite
- labradorite
- lantern
- lapis
- large
- large bag
- larimar
- lava
- lava rock
- lava stone
- lavendar
- lavender
- leggings
- Lemon
- lemon chrysocolla
- Lemongrass
- Lenormand Cards
- leopard skin jasper
- lepidolite
- letters
- literary fiction
- locket
- lolite
- long sleeve
- Lori Mitchell
- lotus
- love
- low smoke
- luck card
- made in Bali
- made in Canada
- made in china
- made in India
- made in Indonesia
- made in Morocco
- made in Nepal
- made in Turkey
- magick
- magnet
- magnetic
- magnetoc
- malachite
- Malas
- mandala
- marcasite
- marriage
- marriage card
- masks
- massage
- matryoshka
- mediation
- mediative hands
- medicine
- meditation
- mediu m
- medium
- medium bag
- mens gifts
- mermaid
- messenger bag
- Metal Art
- metal bells
- metal chime
- mexican onyx
- military tent
- mind
- mindfullness
- mindfulness
- Mist
- misticks
- monk
- Monkey
- moodstar
- mookaite
- moon and stars
- moonlight
- Moonstone
- morganite
- morocco clay
- mortar & pestle
- mother of pearl
- mothers
- mothers day
- mudra
- Mug
- myrrh
- nag champa
- namaste
- Native American
- necklace
- nesting dolls
- new baby card
- Nonfiction
- Numerology
- obsidian
- ocean agate
- ocean jasper
- octagon
- onyx
- opal
- opalite
- Oracle Cards
- ornament
- oven mitt
- overalls
- pachelbel
- palo santo
- pants
- party
- past lives
- Patch
- patchouli
- patchouly
- Paua
- peace
- Peacock
- pearl
- pebble
- pendant
- peppermint
- Perfume
- peridot
- Personal Growth
- peruvian blue opal
- pets
- Philosophy
- pin
- pink mangano calcite
- pink opal
- pink tourmaline
- pistachio calcite
- Pluto
- poetry
- polished
- poncho
- poster
- pouch
- prayer
- Prayer Beads
- prayer flag
- prehnite
- prosperity hen
- protection
- Psychology
- purple
- Purpleheart
- purse
- pyrite
- quartz
- Rainbow
- rainbow moonstone
- Raven
- recycled material
- red jasper
- Reiki
- relaxation
- Religion
- rhodonite
- rhyolite
- rice bag
- ring
- Root
- Rose
- rose quartz
- Rosemary
- ruby
- ruby fuschite
- ruby zoisite
- rudraksha
- Sacral
- sage
- sage spray
- sandalwood
- sapphire
- sari/sarong
- Science
- scolecite
- scrunchie set
- Seal
- sedona red jasper
- selenite
- selenite lamp
- self help
- self love
- self-improvement
- sentiment
- serpentine
- serving spoons
- seven metals
- Shamanic
- shattuckite
- short sleeve
- shorts
- shungite
- Shunya Mudra
- Silver
- singing bowl
- Skeleton
- skirt
- sleep
- small
- small bag
- small bags
- smoky quartz
- smudge
- smudge feather
- smudging
- snowflake obsidian
- socks
- sodalite
- Solar Plexus
- solo bell
- spirit animal
- spiritual
- spiritual fiction
- St. Francis
- stationary
- stationery
- statue
- sterling silver
- stocking stuffer
- stone set
- Straw
- stress-relief
- suncatcher
- sunstone
- super hit
- super seven
- support card
- swarovski
- sweatshirt
- sweetgrass
- tabletop
- tan
- tangerine quartz
- tank top
- tanzanite
- tapestry
- tarot
- tarot cards
- Tea
- tea light holder
- tee
- tektite
- thank you card
- therapy balls
- thin
- Third Eye
- Throat Chakra
- tibetan prayer flag
- tiger's eye
- tin box
- tingsha
- tiny bag
- titanium
- topaz
- tops
- Tote
- tourmaline
- towels
- travel
- travel bag
- travel mug
- tray
- Tree
- Tree of life
- Trees
- tumbled stone
- tunic
- turkey
- turquoise
- unakite
- unicorn
- US Map
- valentines day
- vanilla
- Verdigris
- votive holder
- wall hanging
- wealth
- wedding favors
- wellness
- white
- white sage
- Wicca
- wide
- Willow Tree
- wind chime
- winter fashions
- wisdom
- witch
- witchcraft
- wolf
- women's empowerment
- womens gift
- wrap bracelet
- x-large
- yoga
- yoga top
- yoga wear
2251 products
Opalite Cat
Regular price $12.99 Save $-12.99This small spirit animal cat is made from opalite, giving an almost-translucent look.
- Measures approximately 1.5 inches tall
- Made in China
Back-flow Incense Cone Sandalwood
Regular price $13.99 Save $-13.99These back-flow incense cones are for use with a water fountain like incense burner. Each cone smells of sweet, woody sandalwood.
- Pack of 70 cones
- Made in India
White Chakra Banner- 57196
Regular price $39.99 Save $-39.99The 7 rainbow colors are associated to the chakras and the endocrine system. Violet, crown of the head, pituitary gland is our connection with universal energies. Indigo, middle of forehead, pineal glands represents forgiveness & compassion. Blue, throat, Thyroid gland is our physical & spiritual communication. Green, heart, thymus gland is for love and sense of responsibility. Yellow, solar plexus, adrenal gland represents power and ego. Orange, lower abdomen, pancreas gland is associated with emotion and sexuality. Red, base of the spine, gonads glands represents grounding and survival.
- Made of Cotton
- Measures approximately 60 inches x 12 inches
- Made in Bali
Chakra Buddha Incense Holder Statue
Regular price $27.99 Save $-27.99This Buddha statue has crystals associated with the chakras placed in their corresponding areas. At the base of Buddha's seat, there is a small hole to hold incense sticks.
- Made of gypsum cement
- Measures approximately 3.5 inches tall
- Made in Canada
Chakra Mala Beads- 98056
Regular price $59.99 Save $-59.99These mala beads have a section for each chakra, made with an associated crystal. Perfect for use in prayer or mantra meditation. 108 beads.
- Measures approximately 24 inches
- Made in India
Chakra Wall Hanging
Regular price $21.99 Save $-21.99The 7 rainbow colors are associated to the chakras and the endocrine system. Violet, crown of the head, pituitary gland is our connection with universal energies. Indigo, middle of forehead, pineal glands represents forgiveness & compassion. Blue, throat, Thyroid gland is our physical & spiritual communication. Green, heart, thymus gland is for love and sense of responsibility. Yellow, solar plexus, adrenal gland represents power and ego. Orange, lower abdomen, pancreas gland is associated with emotion and sexuality. Red, base of the spine, gonads glands represents grounding and survival.
- Measures approximately 10 inches x 4 inches
- Made in Turkey
Medicine Buddha Tibetan Diety Statue
Regular price $12.99 Save $-12.99- Made with turquoise powder
- Measures approximately 1.5 inches x 1.25 inches x .75 inches
- Made in Nepal
Seven Chakras Black Banner
Regular price $39.99 Save $-39.99The 7 rainbow colors are associated to the chakras and the endocrine system. Violet, crown of the head, pituitary gland is our connection with universal energies. Indigo, middle of forehead, pineal glands represents forgiveness & compassion. Blue, throat, Thyroid gland is our physical & spiritual communication. Green, heart, thymus gland is for love and sense of responsibility. Yellow, solar plexus, adrenal gland represents power and ego. Orange, lower abdomen, pancreas gland is associated with emotion and sexuality. Red, base of the spine, gonads glands represents grounding and survival.
- Measures approximately 60 inches x 12 inches
- Made of Cotton
Lava Stone Mala Beads
Regular price $29.99 Save $-29.99This set of mala beads have 108 lava stones, perfect for use in mantra meditations. Lava Stone, also known as Basalt, combines the elements of earth and fire to bring strength, energy, passion, self-restraint and common sense. Lava stone aids healing by increasing vitality and feelings of joy. It brings stability, grounding and a feeling of connection to the earth.
- Made in China
- Measures approximately 35 inches long
Reiki Energy Incense- 72651
Regular price $3.99 Save $-3.99Bring healing energy through the smoke of these incense sticks, while making the room aromatic and sweet. Each pack comes with 15 grams which is about 8-15 sticks.
- Made in India
Spiritual Yoga Incense- 72645
Regular price $3.99 Save $-3.99These sticks are great to incorperate into your yoga practice or when you just want to ease into that blissful meditative mindset. Each pack is 15 grams which is about 8-15 sticks of incense.
- Made in India
Seven Chakras Incense- 72643
Regular price $3.99 Save $-3.99These incense sticks are perfect for use during a charka meditation or yoga class, but don't let the name stop you! This aromatic incense is great for all occations! Each pack is 15 grams which is about 8-15 sticks.
- Made in India
Angel Love Incense- 72647
Regular price $3.99 Save $-3.99These heavenly incense sticks puts one in the mood to accept their blessing or connect with the angels. Each pack is 15 grams, which is about 8-15 sticks.
- Made in India
My Brain and Heart- Dalai Lama Quote Banner
Regular price $19.99 Save $-19.99This banner is printed with the om symbol and a quote from the Dalai Lama. Includes wooden dowels on the top and bottom and a black cord to hang.
- Measures approximately 12 inches x 15 inches
- Made in Indonesia
Soapstone Mortar and Pestle
Regular price $17.99 Save $-17.99This heavy duty mortar and pestle is great for grinding all types of herbs or resins. The soapstone is durable enough to crush harder stems or leaves down into fine material.
- Measures 2.75 inches tall by 3 inches wide
- Made in India
Chimes of Partch PWS
Regular price $104.99 Save $-104.99This cheerful sounding wind chime is tuned to an uplifting pentatonic scale and named after American composer Harry Partch (1901-1974), who taught us that science and magic can harmonize in music. Probably in part because he grew up with Mandarin, Spanish and Native American songs, Partch felt restricted by the modern scale of western music. He forged a new style of music using principles of pure tuning, thereby expanding the musical possibilities. Partch wrote much of his music for sculptural instruments that he built himself. He was, in his own words, "a philosophic music-man seduced into carpentry." The scale of Chimes of Partch is common in the music of many ancient civilizations and is still heard throughout the world today.
This chime was designed with a removable windcatcher that can be taken to a trophy shop, printer or jeweler to be engraved or silk-screened.
- Dimensions: 36 in. Overall Length
- Material: Cherry finish ash wood, 6 silver aluminum tubes
Sari and Sarong Bucket Bag- recycled material
Regular price $27.99 Save $-27.99This colorful bucket bag is created using recycled material from sari's and sarong's. Durable and function, this bag will assist with your many day to day needs, all while supporting the environment!
- Due to the use of recycled sari/sarong these purses have slight color and pattern variations
Creme Colored Floral Tote- recycled material
Regular price $62.99 Save $-62.99- Genuine leather accents
- Measures approximately 19 inches x 16.5 inches
Motorcycle Backpack- recycled material
Regular price $84.99 Save $-84.99This eco-friendly backpack is made from recycled military tents and truck tarps; making the environment, and it's user, shine a big smile. Due to the use of recycled material, the backpacks may have slight color and size variations. These variations are normal and part of this bags ploy.
- Genuine leather accents
- Measures approximately 13 inches x 18 inches x 5 inches
Elephant Evil Eye Wall Hanging
Regular price $17.99 Save $-17.99- Measures approximately 6.25 inches long
Braided Handle Sari Purse- recycled material
Regular price $29.99 Save $-29.99This colorful purse is created using recycled material from sari's and sarong's. Durable and function, this bag will assist with your many day to day needs, all while supporting the environment!
- Due to the use of recycled sari/sarong these purses have slight color and pattern variations
- Braided handle
JFK Messenger Bag- recycled material
Regular price $44.99 Save $-44.99This eco-friendly bag is made from recycled military tents and truck tarps; making the environment, and it's user, shine a big smile. Due to the use of recycled material, the bags may have slight color and size variations. These variations are normal and part of this bags ploy.
- Genuine leather accents
- Measures approximately 10 inches x 7 inches
Crossbody Rice Bag- recycled material
Regular price $29.99 Save $-29.99This eco-friendly bag is made from old canvas rice bags. Colorful and perfect for carrying your wallet and keys, this bag makes the enviornment smile! Due to the recyceld material, each bag may have color and size variations.
- Made from used rice bags
- Measures approximately 6 inches x 8 inches (adjustable strap measures from 12 inches to 24 inches)
Air Mail Backpack- recycled material
Regular price $69.99 Save $-69.99This eco-friendly bag is made from recycled military tents and truck tarps; making the environment, and it's user, shine a big smile. Due to the use of recycled material, the bags may have slight color and size variations. These variations are normal and part of this bags ploy.
- Genuine leather accents
Brown Family Banner
Regular price $16.99 Save $-16.99This natural brown banner outlines the never ending love that rests within a family. Perfect gift for fathers or mothers day!
- Measures approximately 10.5 inches wide x 16 inches long
Dragon Therapy Balls
Regular price $19.99 Save $-19.99These therapy balls stem from traditional forms of healing in Asia, great to reduce stress but also improves dexterity for the fingers and hands. May also begin to strengthen the forearms.
- Dragon design
- Measures approximately 1.5" diameter
Yin and Yang Therapy Balls
Regular price $19.99 Save $-19.99- Yin and Yang design
- Measures approximately 1.5" diameter
Karma Banner
Regular price $24.99 Save $-24.99This deep blue banner outlines the laws of Karma, based on the Dali Lama's philosophy. Includes two wooden dowels to keep the banner from flying around in the wind.
- Measures approximately 35 inches long
Small Crossbody Jean Bag
Regular price $28.99 Save $-28.99This corssbody bag is made completely out of recycled jeans, keeping the bag as eco-friendly as possible! This bag is fairly large with multiple smaller pockets for organization. Due to the use of recycled material, bags may slightly vary from photo.
- Measures approximately 7 inches x 9.5 inches x 2 inches
Black Chakra Banner With Colored Flaps
Regular price $32.99 Save $-32.99This colorful and simple chakra banner has each color association represented by the flap that the chakra is printed on. Included on each flap is also the symbol for that chakra and a mantra or phrase associated with that chakras energy.
Sun and Moon Therapy Balls
Regular price $19.99 Save $-19.99These therapy balls stem from traditional forms of healing in Asia, great to reduce stress but also improves dexterity for the fingers and hands. May also begin to stregthen the forearms.
- Sun and Moon design
- Measures approximately 1.5" diameter
Dainty Cross Necklace - Smokey Topaz
Regular price $45.00 Save $-45.00This artisan jewelry is made entirely by hand and using materials of Austrian Swarovski crystals, Japanese and Czech glass beads, brass and German silver wire. The artisans are from Guatamala and they specialize in creating jewelry with a mosaic of colors and meticulous workmanship. The designs are bright and whimsical, and sparkle with Swarovski crystals.
- 16" length. 18" with extension
- Length can be extended for additional cost
- Stainless steel chain with antique finish. Hypoallergenic
Rhodochrosite (tumbled)
Regular price $5.99 Save $-5.99Tumbled Rhodochrosite. Each tumbled stone is approximately the size of a nickel coin.
Rhodochrosite inspires deep love and compassion. Physically Rhodochrosite helps with autoimmune disorders, migraine relief, eye disorders, and infections. Emotionally Rhodochrosite helps to foster healthy relationships by increasing forgiveness and kindness. Additionally, this crystal helps with letting go of the past and increasing positivity and optimism about the future. Spiritually Rhodochrosite helps with finding a soulmate and connecting with unconditional love.
Associated with the Heart Chakra
Description provided about crystals and stones is for information purposes only and not intended to diagnose or cure any diseases.
Unakite (tumbled)
Regular price $4.99 Save $-4.99Tumbled Unakite. Each tumbled stone is approximately the size of a Penny coin.
Unakite works to balance energy and release energy blockages so that spiritual insight may be revealed. Physically Unakite helps to protect against electromagnetic pollution and assist with issues related to infertility. Unakite is emotionally healing and increases motivation so goals can be achieved. Spiritually Unakite increases and enhances intuition.
Associated with the Heart Chakra
Description provided about crystals and stones is for information purposes only and not intended to diagnose or cure any diseases.
ruby zoisite (tumbled)
Regular price $6.99 Save $-6.99Tumbled Ruby Zoisite. Each tumbled stone is approximately the size of a Quarter coin.
Ruby Zoisite helps us to navigate and learn during difficult situations while maintaining our individuality and connectedness with others. Physically this crystal works to support our heart, brain, intestines, kidney, and bone health. This crystal also helps with issues of infertility. Emotionally Ruby Zoisite helps with dispelling negativity while increasing inspiration and igniting passion. Spiritually this stone works to strengthen the aura.
Associated with the Crown and Heart Chakras
Description provided about crystals and stones is for information purposes only and not intended to diagnose or cure any diseases.
Topaz (tumbled)
Regular price $4.99 Save $-4.99Tumbled Topaz. Small. Each tumbled stone is approximately the size of a penny coin.
Topaz is the birthstone for November and increases awareness and creativity. Physically Topaz helps with a cough and with a sense of smell and taste. Emotionally Topaz promotes courage and diminishes fear. Spiritually Topaz enhances clairvoyance.
Associated with the Crown, Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras
Description provided about crystals and stones is for information purposes only and not intended to diagnose or cure any diseases.
Leopard Skin Jasper (tumbled)
Regular price $4.99 Save $-4.99Tumbled Leopard Skin Jasper. Each tumbled stone is approximately the size of a Nickel coin.
Leopard Skin Jasper provides protection and fosters a harmonious environment. Physically Leopard Skin Jasper works to increase vitality and physical strength. Emotionally Leopard Skin Jasper assists with reaching conclusions and judgments that are useful and helpful. Spiritually this crystal helps with connection to animals and understanding out of body experiences.
Associated with the Root and Heart Chakras
Description provided about crystals and stones is for information purposes only and not intended to diagnose or cure any diseases.
morganite (tumbled)
Regular price $4.99 Save $-4.99Tumbled Morganite. Medium-grade. Each tumbled stone is approximately the size of a dime coin.
Morganite is important for attracting love into your life. Physically this crystal aids asthma and heart palpitations. Emotionally Morganite eases the process of removing toxic patterns and people from your life while enhancing self-acceptance, love and care. Morganite assists with angel communication and connecting with unconditional love.
Associated with the Heart Chakra
Description provided about crystals and stones is for information purposes only and not intended to diagnose or cure any diseases.
Peruvian Blue Opal (tumbled)
Regular price $7.99 Save $-7.99Tumbled Peruvian Blue Opal. Small. Rare. Each tumbled stone is approximately the size of a penny coin.
Peruvian Blue Opal is a smaller size of Opalina and has a very soothing energy that melts away any tension in the body. Physically Peruvian Blue Opal works to balance metabolic issues, decrease dizziness and increase memory and immunity. Emotionally Peruvian Blue Opal aids relationships and communication by helping you to speak your mind without fearing the other will leave or change the nature of the relationship. The energy of this crystal is deeply relaxing so it makes for a great crystal for meditation.
Associated with the Throat Chakra
Description provided about crystals and stones is for information purposes only and not intended to diagnose or cure any diseases.
shattuckite (tumbled)
Regular price $6.99 Save $-6.99Tumbled Shattuckite. Each tumbled stone is approximately the size of a dime coin.
Shattuckite helps to connect us spiritually, enhance communication and increase psychic vision. Physically Shattuckite is helpful for issues around the throat including bronchitis, sore throats and tonsil health. Emotionally this crystal works to boost inner strength to help navigate stressful situations. Spiritually the energy of this crystal raises our vibrational energy. This feature of Shattuckite is what allows for a greater spiritual connection and works well for spiritual work and channeling.
Associated with the Throat, Heart, Third Eye Chakras
Description provided about crystals and stones is for information purposes only and not intended to diagnose or cure any diseases.
Regular price $7.99 Save $-7.99Tumbled Hiddenite. Each tumbled stone is approximately the size of a dime coin.
Hiddenite helps us to connect with unconditional love and increase gratitude and hope. Physically Hiddenite supports the heart, circulatory and immune systems. The compassionate energy of Hiddenite helps ease symptoms of depression and anxiety. Additionally, this crystal is helpful when coming to terms with and coping with grief. Hiddenite inspires love, joy and tolerance towards others. Spiritually Hiddenite helps facilitate a connection to Mother Earth.
Associated with the Heart Chakra
Description provided about crystals and stones is for information purposes only and not intended to diagnose or cure any diseases.
blue amber (tumbled)
Regular price $9.99 Save $-9.99Tumbled Blue Amber. Each tumbled stone is approximately the size of a Quarter coin.
Blue Amber is a natural fossilized resin that has formed over thousands of years. Blue Amber variety is quite rare and found in Indonesia. When Blue Amber is shown under UV light it glows a brilliant blue color. Physically the energy the fossilized amber emits enhances general health and well-being. Emotionally Blue Amber works to overcome negativity by turning that negative energy into positive and joyful energy. Spiritually this form of amber enhances psychic abilities and assists with energetic purification.
Associated with the Solar Plexus and Third Eye Chakras
Description provided about crystals and stones is for information purposes only and not intended to diagnose or cure any diseases.
pistachio calcite (tumbled)
Regular price $3.99 Save $-3.99Tumbled Pistachio Calcite. Each tumbled stone is approximately the size of a Nickel coin.
Pistachio Calcite helps with emotional balance by releasing pent up emotions and instilling healing energy. Physically Pistachio Calcite supports bone health and the immune system. More specifically this crystal can help with bacterial and viral infections and cooling fevers. Additionally, Pistachio Calcite works to help with burns and heartburn. Emotionally this stone alleviates and calms anxiety, worrying, stress and panic attacks. The balancing energy of Pistachio Calcite works to break old patterns that get in the way of spiritual growth and evolving.
Associated with the Heart Chakra
Description provided about crystals and stones is for information purposes only and not intended to diagnose or cure any diseases.
Plant tote- recycled material 55915
Regular price $61.99 Save $-61.99This eco-friendly bag is made from recycled military tents and truck tarps; making the environment, and it's user, shine a big smile. Due to the use of recycled material, the bags may have slight color and size variations. These variations are normal and part of this bags ploy.
- Genuine leather accents
- Measures appriximately 19 inches x 16.5 inches
Olive Green Chakra Banner
Regular price $29.99 Save $-29.99This olive green banner holds the seven chakras and their symbols. Under each beautifully desgined representation of the chakra, there is a mantra in english for it.
- Approximately 50 inches long
Henna Kit 6587
Regular price $34.99 Save $-34.99Henna was never easier! This kit allows for beginner henna artists to create complicated desgins for youself, your friends and family!
- Includes 15 desgins
Sari Bucket Bag- recycled material
Regular price $27.99 Save $-27.99This colorful bucket bag is created using recycled material from sari's and sarong's. Durable and function, this bag will assist with your many day to day needs, all while supporting the environment!
- Due to the use of recycled sari/sarong these bag have slight color, size and pattern variations
Jean Backpack- recycled material
Regular price $36.99 Save $-36.99This backpack is made completely out of recycled jeans, keeping the bag as eco-friendly as possible! This bag is fairly large with multiple smaller pockets for orginization. Due to the use of recyled material, bags may slightly vary from photo.
- Measures approximately 12 inches x 14 inches x 3 inches