- Abalone Shell
- accessories
- affirmation
- affirmation cards
- african turquoise
- agate
- air freshener
- almond
- Alternative Therapies
- amazing grace
- amazonite
- Amber
- amethyst
- ametrine
- ammonite
- Angel
- angelite
- angels
- animals
- anise
- anniversary card
- anniversary gift
- apache tears
- apatite
- aqua aura
- aqua terra
- Aquamarine
- Archangel
- argan
- aromatherapy
- Art
- Ascended Masters and Guides
- Athena
- auralite
- aventurine
- awareness
- azurite
- back flow incense
- backback
- backpack
- backscratcher
- bag attachment
- bags
- balance
- ball
- bamboo
- bangle
- banner
- bar soap
- baseball tee
- bath bomb
- bath melt
- bath soak
- bee
- beechwood
- Bell
- bells
- Bergamot
- Bicycle
- Biography & Memoir
- bird
- birds
- birthday card
- Birthstone
- Black
- black cat
- Black Obsidian
- Black Tourmaline
- blank cards
- bloodstone
- blue amber
- blue aragonite
- Blue Chalcedony
- blue lace agate
- blue onyx
- blue sky jasper
- blue topaz
- blue zircon
- body and spirit
- boho
- boho mug
- boho towel
- books
- botanical jewelry
- botanicals
- bottoms
- bracelet
- brass
- brazilian clay
- Bronze
- brown
- brushed
- bucket bag
- buddha
- buddhism
- business
- butterfly
- butterfly garland
- calendula
- calming
- can cooler
- Candle
- candle holder
- canvas
- cardigan
- cards
- carnelian
- Cascade
- castile soap
- Cat
- Cedarwood
- celestite
- celtic
- ceramic
- Chakra
- chakras
- chamomile
- charcoal
- charoite
- chevron amethyst
- Chip clip
- christianity
- chrysocolla
- chrysoprase
- citrine
- cleansing
- coconut
- coffee
- coin purse
- colored pencils
- colorful glass
- coloring book
- condolence card
- cone
- Confidence
- congratulations card
- cooking methods
- copper
- correspondence cards
- crackle quartz
- Crafts & Hobbies
- cross
- cross body bag
- Crown Chakra
- Crystal
- crystal specimen
- crystals
- Cubic Zirconia
- cuff
- cuff bracelet
- cutting board
- dark brown
- dead sea mud
- dead sea salt
- decocr
- decor
- decoration
- decorative chime
- design
- divination
- dog butt
- dog tag
- dolphin
- Dove's Heart
- dragonfly
- dragons blood
- dragonstone
- Dream
- Dream Catcher
- dreams
- dress
- druzy
- earrings
- Earth
- Earth Worriors
- eastern religions
- Egyptian Musk
- elephant
- emerald
- Emperor
- Enchanted Forest
- essential oil
- eternal rose
- eternity rose
- Eucalyptus
- evil eye
- face mask
- Fairy
- fall fashions
- family
- fashion
- feather
- female history
- female power
- feng shui
- Figruine
- figurine
- fire agate
- firefly
- Fisherman
- flamingo
- fluorite
- forever rose
- fossil
- fox
- fragrance
- fragrance oil
- Frank and Myrrh
- frankincense
- fregrance
- french green clay
- French Lavender
- frog
- funny
- furry bones
- Furrybones
- gag gift
- Gaia
- Games
- Ganesha
- garland
- garnet
- Gaspéite
- gemstone
- gemstone bracelet
- generations
- gift
- gift bags
- gifts
- glass beads
- glittens
- goat
- gold
- gold dipped rose
- goldstone
- Gong
- good luck
- graditude
- grand
- green goldstone
- Green Tourmaline
- gregorian alto
- Guardian
- Guardian Angel
- guidance
- guidence
- guitar
- haitian metal
- half
- half bloom rose
- hammered
- hamsa
- hamsa hand
- handmade
- handwarmer
- Haniel
- hat
- headbands
- healing
- healing hand
- health
- Health & Fitness
- heart
- hematite
- henna
- herbal
- herbs
- hiddenite
- himalayan salt
- historical fiction
- horse
- Horus
- hourglass
- Housewarming
- housewarming card
- howlite
- Human Anatomy
- Ice
- icicle
- incense
- incense cone
- incense holder
- india temple
- infinity
- infinity headband
- Inspiration & Motivation
- inspirational
- iolite
- jacket
- jade
- Japanese
- Jasmine
- Jasper
- jean
- jewelry
- jizo
- journal
- journals
- jumpsuit
- jute
- karma
- keychains
- kimono
- knits
- Kuan Yin
- kunzite
- kyanite
- labradorite
- lantern
- lapis
- large
- large bag
- larimar
- lava
- lava rock
- lava stone
- lavendar
- lavender
- leggings
- Lemon
- lemon chrysocolla
- Lemongrass
- Lenormand Cards
- leopard skin jasper
- lepidolite
- letters
- literary fiction
- locket
- lolite
- long sleeve
- Lori Mitchell
- lotus
- love
- low smoke
- luck card
- made in Bali
- made in Canada
- made in china
- made in India
- made in Indonesia
- made in Morocco
- made in Nepal
- made in Turkey
- magick
- magnet
- magnetic
- magnetoc
- malachite
- Malas
- mandala
- marcasite
- marriage
- marriage card
- masks
- massage
- matryoshka
- mediation
- mediative hands
- medicine
- meditation
- mediu m
- medium
- medium bag
- mens gifts
- mermaid
- messenger bag
- Metal Art
- metal bells
- metal chime
- mexican onyx
- military tent
- mind
- mindfullness
- mindfulness
- Mist
- misticks
- monk
- Monkey
- moodstar
- mookaite
- moon and stars
- moonlight
- Moonstone
- morganite
- morocco clay
- mortar & pestle
- mother of pearl
- mothers
- mothers day
- mudra
- Mug
- myrrh
- nag champa
- namaste
- Native American
- necklace
- nesting dolls
- new baby card
- Nonfiction
- Numerology
- obsidian
- ocean agate
- ocean jasper
- octagon
- onyx
- opal
- opalite
- Oracle Cards
- ornament
- oven mitt
- overalls
- pachelbel
- palo santo
- pants
- party
- past lives
- Patch
- patchouli
- patchouly
- Paua
- peace
- Peacock
- pearl
- pebble
- pendant
- peppermint
- Perfume
- peridot
- Personal Growth
- peruvian blue opal
- pets
- Philosophy
- pin
- pink mangano calcite
- pink opal
- pink tourmaline
- pistachio calcite
- Pluto
- poetry
- polished
- poncho
- poster
- pouch
- prayer
- Prayer Beads
- prayer flag
- prehnite
- prosperity hen
- protection
- Psychology
- purple
- Purpleheart
- purse
- pyrite
- quartz
- Rainbow
- rainbow moonstone
- Raven
- recycled material
- red jasper
- Reiki
- relaxation
- Religion
- rhodonite
- rhyolite
- rice bag
- ring
- Root
- Rose
- rose quartz
- Rosemary
- ruby
- ruby fuschite
- ruby zoisite
- rudraksha
- Sacral
- sage
- sage spray
- sandalwood
- sapphire
- sari/sarong
- Science
- scolecite
- scrunchie set
- Seal
- sedona red jasper
- selenite
- selenite lamp
- self help
- self love
- self-improvement
- sentiment
- serpentine
- serving spoons
- seven metals
- Shamanic
- shattuckite
- short sleeve
- shorts
- shungite
- Shunya Mudra
- Silver
- singing bowl
- Skeleton
- skirt
- sleep
- small
- small bag
- small bags
- smoky quartz
- smudge
- smudge feather
- smudging
- snowflake obsidian
- socks
- sodalite
- Solar Plexus
- solo bell
- spirit animal
- spiritual
- spiritual fiction
- St. Francis
- stationary
- stationery
- statue
- sterling silver
- stocking stuffer
- stone set
- Straw
- stress-relief
- suncatcher
- sunstone
- super hit
- super seven
- support card
- swarovski
- sweatshirt
- sweetgrass
- tabletop
- tan
- tangerine quartz
- tank top
- tanzanite
- tapestry
- tarot
- tarot cards
- Tea
- tea light holder
- tee
- tektite
- thank you card
- therapy balls
- thin
- Third Eye
- Throat Chakra
- tibetan prayer flag
- tiger's eye
- tin box
- tingsha
- tiny bag
- titanium
- topaz
- tops
- Tote
- tourmaline
- towels
- travel
- travel bag
- travel mug
- tray
- Tree
- Tree of life
- Trees
- tumbled stone
- tunic
- turkey
- turquoise
- unakite
- unicorn
- US Map
- valentines day
- vanilla
- Verdigris
- votive holder
- wall hanging
- wealth
- wedding favors
- wellness
- white
- white sage
- Wicca
- wide
- Willow Tree
- wind chime
- winter fashions
- wisdom
- witch
- witchcraft
- wolf
- women's empowerment
- womens gift
- wrap bracelet
- x-large
- yoga
- yoga top
- yoga wear
- Abalone Shell
- accessories
- affirmation
- affirmation cards
- african turquoise
- agate
- air freshener
- almond
- Alternative Therapies
- amazing grace
- amazonite
- Amber
- amethyst
- ametrine
- ammonite
- Angel
- angelite
- angels
- animals
- anise
- anniversary card
- anniversary gift
- apache tears
- apatite
- aqua aura
- aqua terra
- Aquamarine
- Archangel
- argan
- aromatherapy
- Art
- Ascended Masters and Guides
- Athena
- auralite
- aventurine
- awareness
- azurite
- back flow incense
- backback
- backpack
- backscratcher
- bag attachment
- bags
- balance
- ball
- bamboo
- bangle
- banner
- bar soap
- baseball tee
- bath bomb
- bath melt
- bath soak
- bee
- beechwood
- Bell
- bells
- Bergamot
- Bicycle
- Biography & Memoir
- bird
- birds
- birthday card
- Birthstone
- Black
- black cat
- Black Obsidian
- Black Tourmaline
- blank cards
- bloodstone
- blue amber
- blue aragonite
- Blue Chalcedony
- blue lace agate
- blue onyx
- blue sky jasper
- blue topaz
- blue zircon
- body and spirit
- boho
- boho mug
- boho towel
- books
- botanical jewelry
- botanicals
- bottoms
- bracelet
- brass
- brazilian clay
- Bronze
- brown
- brushed
- bucket bag
- buddha
- buddhism
- business
- butterfly
- butterfly garland
- calendula
- calming
- can cooler
- Candle
- candle holder
- canvas
- cardigan
- cards
- carnelian
- Cascade
- castile soap
- Cat
- Cedarwood
- celestite
- celtic
- ceramic
- Chakra
- chakras
- chamomile
- charcoal
- charoite
- chevron amethyst
- Chip clip
- christianity
- chrysocolla
- chrysoprase
- citrine
- cleansing
- coconut
- coffee
- coin purse
- colored pencils
- colorful glass
- coloring book
- condolence card
- cone
- Confidence
- congratulations card
- cooking methods
- copper
- correspondence cards
- crackle quartz
- Crafts & Hobbies
- cross
- cross body bag
- Crown Chakra
- Crystal
- crystal specimen
- crystals
- Cubic Zirconia
- cuff
- cuff bracelet
- cutting board
- dark brown
- dead sea mud
- dead sea salt
- decocr
- decor
- decoration
- decorative chime
- design
- divination
- dog butt
- dog tag
- dolphin
- Dove's Heart
- dragonfly
- dragons blood
- dragonstone
- Dream
- Dream Catcher
- dreams
- dress
- druzy
- earrings
- Earth
- Earth Worriors
- eastern religions
- Egyptian Musk
- elephant
- emerald
- Emperor
- Enchanted Forest
- essential oil
- eternal rose
- eternity rose
- Eucalyptus
- evil eye
- face mask
- Fairy
- fall fashions
- family
- fashion
- feather
- female history
- female power
- feng shui
- Figruine
- figurine
- fire agate
- firefly
- Fisherman
- flamingo
- fluorite
- forever rose
- fossil
- fox
- fragrance
- fragrance oil
- Frank and Myrrh
- frankincense
- fregrance
- french green clay
- French Lavender
- frog
- funny
- furry bones
- Furrybones
- gag gift
- Gaia
- Games
- Ganesha
- garland
- garnet
- Gaspéite
- gemstone
- gemstone bracelet
- generations
- gift
- gift bags
- gifts
- glass beads
- glittens
- goat
- gold
- gold dipped rose
- goldstone
- Gong
- good luck
- graditude
- grand
- green goldstone
- Green Tourmaline
- gregorian alto
- Guardian
- Guardian Angel
- guidance
- guidence
- guitar
- haitian metal
- half
- half bloom rose
- hammered
- hamsa
- hamsa hand
- handmade
- handwarmer
- Haniel
- hat
- headbands
- healing
- healing hand
- health
- Health & Fitness
- heart
- hematite
- henna
- herbal
- herbs
- hiddenite
- himalayan salt
- historical fiction
- horse
- Horus
- hourglass
- Housewarming
- housewarming card
- howlite
- Human Anatomy
- Ice
- icicle
- incense
- incense cone
- incense holder
- india temple
- infinity
- infinity headband
- Inspiration & Motivation
- inspirational
- iolite
- jacket
- jade
- Japanese
- Jasmine
- Jasper
- jean
- jewelry
- jizo
- journal
- journals
- jumpsuit
- jute
- karma
- keychains
- kimono
- knits
- Kuan Yin
- kunzite
- kyanite
- labradorite
- lantern
- lapis
- large
- large bag
- larimar
- lava
- lava rock
- lava stone
- lavendar
- lavender
- leggings
- Lemon
- lemon chrysocolla
- Lemongrass
- Lenormand Cards
- leopard skin jasper
- lepidolite
- letters
- literary fiction
- locket
- lolite
- long sleeve
- Lori Mitchell
- lotus
- love
- low smoke
- luck card
- made in Bali
- made in Canada
- made in china
- made in India
- made in Indonesia
- made in Morocco
- made in Nepal
- made in Turkey
- magick
- magnet
- magnetic
- magnetoc
- malachite
- Malas
- mandala
- marcasite
- marriage
- marriage card
- masks
- massage
- matryoshka
- mediation
- mediative hands
- medicine
- meditation
- mediu m
- medium
- medium bag
- mens gifts
- mermaid
- messenger bag
- Metal Art
- metal bells
- metal chime
- mexican onyx
- military tent
- mind
- mindfullness
- mindfulness
- Mist
- misticks
- monk
- Monkey
- moodstar
- mookaite
- moon and stars
- moonlight
- Moonstone
- morganite
- morocco clay
- mortar & pestle
- mother of pearl
- mothers
- mothers day
- mudra
- Mug
- myrrh
- nag champa
- namaste
- Native American
- necklace
- nesting dolls
- new baby card
- Nonfiction
- Numerology
- obsidian
- ocean agate
- ocean jasper
- octagon
- onyx
- opal
- opalite
- Oracle Cards
- ornament
- oven mitt
- overalls
- pachelbel
- palo santo
- pants
- party
- past lives
- Patch
- patchouli
- patchouly
- Paua
- peace
- Peacock
- pearl
- pebble
- pendant
- peppermint
- Perfume
- peridot
- Personal Growth
- peruvian blue opal
- pets
- Philosophy
- pin
- pink mangano calcite
- pink opal
- pink tourmaline
- pistachio calcite
- Pluto
- poetry
- polished
- poncho
- poster
- pouch
- prayer
- Prayer Beads
- prayer flag
- prehnite
- prosperity hen
- protection
- Psychology
- purple
- Purpleheart
- purse
- pyrite
- quartz
- Rainbow
- rainbow moonstone
- Raven
- recycled material
- red jasper
- Reiki
- relaxation
- Religion
- rhodonite
- rhyolite
- rice bag
- ring
- Root
- Rose
- rose quartz
- Rosemary
- ruby
- ruby fuschite
- ruby zoisite
- rudraksha
- Sacral
- sage
- sage spray
- sandalwood
- sapphire
- sari/sarong
- Science
- scolecite
- scrunchie set
- Seal
- sedona red jasper
- selenite
- selenite lamp
- self help
- self love
- self-improvement
- sentiment
- serpentine
- serving spoons
- seven metals
- Shamanic
- shattuckite
- short sleeve
- shorts
- shungite
- Shunya Mudra
- Silver
- singing bowl
- Skeleton
- skirt
- sleep
- small
- small bag
- small bags
- smoky quartz
- smudge
- smudge feather
- smudging
- snowflake obsidian
- socks
- sodalite
- Solar Plexus
- solo bell
- spirit animal
- spiritual
- spiritual fiction
- St. Francis
- stationary
- stationery
- statue
- sterling silver
- stocking stuffer
- stone set
- Straw
- stress-relief
- suncatcher
- sunstone
- super hit
- super seven
- support card
- swarovski
- sweatshirt
- sweetgrass
- tabletop
- tan
- tangerine quartz
- tank top
- tanzanite
- tapestry
- tarot
- tarot cards
- Tea
- tea light holder
- tee
- tektite
- thank you card
- therapy balls
- thin
- Third Eye
- Throat Chakra
- tibetan prayer flag
- tiger's eye
- tin box
- tingsha
- tiny bag
- titanium
- topaz
- tops
- Tote
- tourmaline
- towels
- travel
- travel bag
- travel mug
- tray
- Tree
- Tree of life
- Trees
- tumbled stone
- tunic
- turkey
- turquoise
- unakite
- unicorn
- US Map
- valentines day
- vanilla
- Verdigris
- votive holder
- wall hanging
- wealth
- wedding favors
- wellness
- white
- white sage
- Wicca
- wide
- Willow Tree
- wind chime
- winter fashions
- wisdom
- witch
- witchcraft
- wolf
- women's empowerment
- womens gift
- wrap bracelet
- x-large
- yoga
- yoga top
- yoga wear
2251 products
the empath's survival guide
Regular price $19.99 Save $-19.99This practical, empowering, and loving book was created to support empaths and anyone who wants to develop their sensitivities to become more caring people in an often-insensitive world. It helps empaths through their unique challenges and gives loved ones a better understanding of the needs and gifts of the sensitive people in their lives. In this book Dr. Orloff offers crucial practices, including:
• Self-assessment exercises to help you identify your empath type
• Tools for protecting yourself from sensory overload, exhaustion, addictions, and compassion fatigue while replenishing your vital energy
• Simple and effective strategies to stop absorbing stress and physical symptoms from others and protect yourself from narcissists and other energy vampires
• How to find the right work and create relationships that nourish you
• How to navigate intimate relationships without feeling overwhelmed
• Guidance for parenting and raising empathic children
• Awakening the empath’s gift of intuition and deepening your spiritual connection to all living beings
Lapis tumbled stone
Regular price $13.99 Save $-13.99Tumbled Lapis Lazuli. High-grade. Each tumbled stone is approximately the size of a Quarter coin.
Lapis Lazuli is known for its gorgeous, deep blue color. Lapis Lazuli connects us with our deep inner truths and enhances our ability to speak these truths. Physically, Lapis Lazuli helps with a variety of health including headache and migraine relief, insomnia, sleep apnea, pregnancy, and chronic pain. Lapis Lazuli’s energy is very in tune with emotional issues such as coping with grief, anxiety, depression, panic attacks and reduces stress and tension. Lapis Lazuli works to balance the aura, enhance intuition and psychic abilities, provide psychic protection and helps with communicating with spirits.
Associated with the Throat and Third Eye.
Description provided about crystals and stones is for information purposes only and not intended to diagnose or cure any diseases.
Aqua Aura
Regular price $11.99 Save $-11.99Tumbled Aqua Aura. Each tumbled stone is approximately the size of a Quarter coin.
Aqua Aura is a heated fusion of gold and quartz. The combination of metal and crystal offers a unique energy that enhances communication, channeling, and spiritual awareness. Physically, Aqua Aura helps to reduce swelling and inflammation in the body and helps with eye disorders and infections. This crystal works to dispel and release negative energy and facilitate communication with angels.
Associated with the Throat and Third Eye Chakras.
Description provided about crystals and stones is for information purposes only and not intended to diagnose or cure any diseases.
Fantastic Cities Coloring Book
Regular price $14.95 Save $-14.95everyday magic
Regular price $16.99 Save $-16.99No longer the stuff of broomsticks, black cats and cauldrons, witchcraft is all about self-care in a modern and often confusing world. This is the perfect book for all women looking to channel their inner power, make positive changes in their lives, cleanse, heal, and embrace a little more spirituality. Semra will teach readers how to make bespoke spells, construct an altar, create manifestations, moon rituals, gratitude meditations, and more. Blend some oils to increase your luck, use a candle manifestation to break a hex and get over past lovers, or make a special blend of tea to stay calm.
Featuring information on crystals, tarot, herbs, oils and much more, this is a book on cosmic assistance that is accessible for everyone. When you are happy and positive on the inside, it makes you glow on the outside, and Everyday Magic will help you do just that.
This Moment is Full of Wonders
Regular price $16.95 Save $-16.95Fire Agate Tumbled
Regular price $5.99 Save $-5.99Tumbled Fire Agate. Each tumbled stone is approximately the size of a Nickel coin.
Fire Agate increases our courage and protection. The energy of Fire Agate lights a fire in us and enhances our vigor and life force. This stone aids with stomach and intestinal problems. This crystal works to eliminate cravings, addictions and destructive desires and patterns. Fire Agate is a grounding stone that provides safety and security from its deep connection to our home, the Earth.
Associated with the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras.
Description provided about crystals and stones is for information purposes only and not intended to diagnose or cure any diseases.
Color Me Stress-Free Coloring Book
Regular price $16.99 Save $-16.99Blue Onyx (62292)
Regular price $4.99 Save $-4.99Tumbled Blue Onyx. Each tumbled stone is approximately the size of a Quarter coin.
Blue Onyx aids in changing bad habits. This stone helps to heal inflammation in the body such as skin ailments and wounds. This crystal is especially helpful during times of extreme mental and emotional stress. Blue Onyx works to increase intuition and aid communication difficulties.
Associated with the Throat Chakra
Description provided about crystals and stones is for information purposes only and not intended to diagnose or cure any diseases.
Aquamarine stone
Regular price $6.99 Save $-6.99Tumbled Aquamarine. Each tumbled stone is approximately the size of a Nickel coin.
Aquamarine is a very soothing and calming stone. Overall, Aquamarine is an excellent stone for health and healing. Aquamarine works to calm an overactive immune system and is especially helpful with autoimmune disorders. Aquamarine also helps with thyroid and lymphatic system issues. The serene energy of Aquamarine provides many emotional benefits such as diffusing and releasing anger, nervousness and anxiety, collecting composure and coping with changes. Aquamarine helps to overcome old emotional patterns that are hindering growth and spiritual development as this crystal increases our awareness to discover our inner truths.
Associated with the Heart, Throat and Third Eye
Description provided about crystals and stones is for information purposes only and not intended to diagnose or cure any diseases.
Blue Aragonite
Regular price $11.99 Save $-11.99Tumbled Blue Aragonite. Each tumbled stone is approximately the size of a Quarter coin.
Blue Aragonite increases empathy and is emotionally calming. This crystal has a comforting, optimistic and joyful energy vibration. Blue Aragonite improves our ability to communicate with others. This special stone also works to heal past traumas.
Associated with the Throat, Third Eye and Heart Chakras.
Description provided about crystals and stones is for information purposes only and not intended to diagnose or cure any diseases.
Angel of the Home Figurine
Regular price $34.99 Save $-34.99A guardian angel not only for you but also your home making it a safe place to grow and make lasting memories with your loved ones. She holds your home in her hands close to her heart making sure it cared and provided for.
Measurements: 5.5" tall
Material: Poly Resin
Lepidolite stone
Regular price $4.99 Save $-4.99Tumbled Lepidolite. Each tumbled stone is approximately the size of a Quarter coin.
Lepidolite contains lithium which is a substance commonly used in antidepressants. Physically, Lepidolite works to relieve symptoms from Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy and insomnia. Lepidolite is the crystal to help with severe emotional and mental distress such as anxiety, bipolar disorder, emotional trauma, PTSD, and panic attacks. A deeply calming stone, Lepidolite works to increase relaxation, restore emotional balance and remove emotional blockages. Lepidolite helps with receiving messages from higher realms so that we become more open to the truth of the universe.
Associated with the Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown Chakras
Pink Mangano
Regular price $8.99 Save $-8.99Tumbled Pink Mangano Calcite. Each tumbled stone is approximately the size of a Quarter coin.
Pink Mangano Calcite teaches us about universal love, compassion and healing. The energy of this crystal works to strengthen the immune system, regenerate and repair the nervous system, increase tissue health and healing, and provide pain relief. Pink Mangano Calcite is an excellent stone for emotions and helps to heal a broken heart, emotional trauma and abuse, and cope with grief and loss. This crystal is a superb facilitator of communication with angels, including the archangels and connects us with the divine love and truth.
Associated with the Heart Chakra
Emerald Tumbled
Regular price $7.99 Save $-7.99Tumbled Emerald. Each tumbled stone is approximately the size of a Quarter coin.
Emerald is the birthstone for May and brings about hope and healing. Emerald is an excellent stone for recovery especially from issues relating to heart, lungs and liver. This crystal also works to help heal, recover and cope with grief, loss and guilt. Emerald works to provide clarity and increase clairvoyance.
Associated with the Heart Chakra
Regular price $6.99 Save $-6.99Tumbled Garnet. Each tumbled stone is approximately the size of a Nickel coin.
Garnet is the birthstone for January and increases our love, loyalty and commitment. Garnet helps with circulation and circulatory problems. This crystal works to increase our compassion and strengthens our relationships and bonds with others. Garnet is a unifying stone that brings others together using its strong, passionate, loving energy. Garnet is also a stone of manifestation and brings about prosperity.
Associated with the Base, Sacral, Heart Chakras
Tigers Eye tumbled
Regular price $4.99 Save $-4.99Tumbled Tigers Eye. Each tumbled stone is approximately the size of a Quarter coin.
Tigers Eye is the power stone that helps to provide confidence, strength, and courage. Tigers Eye increases vitality and rejuvenates the body so that energy can be restored and balanced. This stone is especially supportive of the endocrine system. Tigers Eye is an excellent stone for dealing with issues of pride, self-confidence and self-worth, self-criticism, and personality disorders. This crystal also increases and enhances creativity and creative expression. Tigers Eye helps to facilitate animal communication, provides spiritual protection and is an exceptional grounding stone.
Associated with the Sacral, Solar Plexus, Third Eye Chakras
Moonstone Point
Regular price $5.99 Save $-5.99Tumbled Moonstone. Each tumbled stone is approximately the size of a Nickel coin.
Moonstone has Goddess energy that connects to feminine energy and intuition. The feminine energy of moonstone works to ease birthing problems, breast health, infertility, premenstrual syndrome and menstruation, and pregnancy. Moonstone can work to alleviate stomach issues and pain. Moonstone acts as a powerful stabilizer of emotions and eases mood swings. This nurturing crystal helps to access ancient knowledge and wisdom and balances, revitalizes, and cleanses the aura. Moonstone works to increase intuition, awareness and clairvoyance.
Associated with the Sacral, Crown, Third Eye
Angelite tumbled
Regular price $5.99 Save $-5.99Tumbled Angelite. Each tumbled stone is approximately the size of a Quarter coin.
Angelite helps with angel communication and connection as its name suggests. Physically Angelite works to heal osteoporosis and improve sleep. Emotionally Angelite helps us to reach acceptance and increase our compassion. Spiritually Angelite is a master helper with communicating with higher realms, spirits and angels. Angelite also helps to allow us to speak our truth.
Associated with the Throat and Crown Chakras
Blue Lace Agate
Regular price $6.99 Save $-6.99Tumbled Blue Lace Agate. Each tumbled stone is approximately the size of a Nickel coin.
Blue Lace Agate is known for its ability to enhance communication and has a very calming and soothing effect. This comforting crystal works to reduce aches and pain, abdominal problems, and release shoulder and neck tension. Emotionally, Blue Lace Agate works to diffuse conflict, anger and frustration, and instill peacefulness and hope. Spiritually, this crystal works to help us to appreciate and enhance communication with angels and spirits.
Associated with the Throat Chakra
citrine raw/tumbled
Regular price $4.99 Save $-4.99Tumbled Citrine. Each tumbled stone is approximately the size of a Nickel coin.
Citrine is known as the “Success Stone”. Citrine is a good luck stone that provides abundance and prosperity. The smooth energy of Citrine works to enhance creativity and expression, inspiration, maximizes energy flow, activates will-power and increases self-confidence and self-worth. The energy of Citrine physically helps to improve circulatory problems and digestion and digestive system health. A joyful stone, Citrine works to increase happiness and provide a positive outlook to life’s situations. Citrine can enhance psychic abilities.
Associated with the Sacral, Solar Plexus and Crown Chakras
Malachite stone
Regular price $9.99 Save $-9.99Tumbled Malachite. Each tumbled stone is approximately the size of a Quarter coin.
Malachite is a powerful crystal that has the ability to amplify other energies so this crystal should be used at times when positive energy needs to be enhanced. A powerful healing crystal, Malachite works to heal a vast number of physical conditions, especially inflammatory conditions including: arthritis, asthma, back problems and pain, bacterial and viral infections, cancer, headache and migraine relief, immune system support, joint pain, liver disorders and health, muscle pain and skin conditions. Emotionally, Malachite works towards emotional balance. Spiritually, this crystal provides spiritual protection and absorbs negative energies.
Associated with the Heart Chakra, Throat and Third Eye Chakras
Rose Quartz tumbled
Regular price $5.99 Save $-5.99Tumbled Rose Quartz. Each tumbled stone is approximately the size of a Nickel coin.
Rose Quartz is known as the stone of “Unconditional Love”. Rose Quartz is one of the most popular crystals as its loving energy is a powerful healer. Rose Quartz works to improve our compassion for others and for ourselves. Rose Quartz helps to ease physical pain. Emotionally, Rose Quartz works to diffuse and release anger, cope with grief and loss, heal a broken heart and attract love into your life, increase forgiveness, and reduce stress and tension. Spiritually, this loving crystal helps us to understand and connect to the true essence of love.
Associated with the Heart Chakra
Regular price $5.99 Save $-5.99Tumbled Opalite. Each tumbled stone is approximately the size of a Quarter coin.
Opalite is known to help with love and relationships. Opalite works to remove emotional blockages and improve communication. This stone can also improve sleep quality and reduce fatigue. Opalite helps to ease depression and anxiety and increase peacefulness and calmness.
Tumbled Pyrite Stone
Regular price $8.99 Save $-8.99Pyrite (Tumbled)
Tumbled Pyrite. Each tumbled stone is approximately the size of a Quarter coin.
Known as the “Prosperity Stone”, pyrite increases one’s willpower, abundance and positive energy. Physically, pyrite works to heal bacterial and viral infections, improve arthritis symptoms, and improve brain and bone health. Emotionally, pyrite helps to calm frustration and increase happiness. Spiritually pyrite helps to facilitate communication with spirits and connect with others’ consciousness.
Associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra
amethyst candle
Regular price $24.99 Save $-24.99Hidden inside is a tumbled Amethyst Quartz crystal that enhances wellness, healing, & spiritual growth. Once your candle has burned retrieve your crystal and carry it with you, or place it in a special space to balance and heal your energy.
Hand-poured and made with 100% American farmed soy wax, the natural essential + fragrance oil blend features notes of soothing lavender.
Standard 9 oz
50 Hour Burn Time
Description provided about crystals is for information purposes only and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.
rose quartz candle
Regular price $24.99 Save $-24.99Hidden inside is a Rose Quartz crystal that radiates vibes of unconditional love. Once your candle has burned retrieve your crystal and carry it with you, or place it in a special space to manifest feelings of love.
Hand-poured and made with 100% American farmed soy wax, the natural essential + fragrance oil blend features notes of fig and rose.
Standard 9 oz
50 Hour Burn Time
Description provided about crystals is for information purposes only and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.
blue chalcedony candle
Regular price $24.99 Save $-24.99Hidden inside is a Blue Chalcedony that radiates calming energy. Once your candle has burned retrieve your tumbled stone and carry it with you, or place it in a special space to manifest feelings of serenity.
Hand-poured and made with 100% American farmed soy wax, the natural essential + fragrance oil blend features notes or rose, lily, and honey.
Standard 9oz
50 HR Burn Time
Description provided about crystals and stones is for information purposes only and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.
citrine candle
Regular price $24.99 Save $-24.99Hidden inside is a Citrine Quartz that radiates vibes of positivity and success. Once your candle has burned retrieve your crystal and carry it with you, or place it in a special space to manifest success in all areas of life
Hand-poured and made with 100% American farmed soy wax, the natural essential + fragrance oil blend features notes of tangy Grapefruit and sweet Mangosteen.
Standard 9 oz
50 Hour Burn Time
Description provided about crystals and stones is for information purposes only and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.
moonstone candle
Regular price $24.99 Save $-24.99Hidden inside is a Moonstone that increases your intuition and connects you to the moon's energy to inspire new beginnings. Once your candle has burned retrieve your crystal and carry it with you, or place it in a sacred space to bring good fortune within the flow of your life.
Hand-poured and made with 100% American farmed soy wax, the natural essential + fragrance oil blend features notes of citrus and sweet fruit.
Standard 9 oz
50 Hour Burn Time
Description provided about crystals is for information purposes only and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.
obsidian candle
Regular price $24.99 Save $-24.99Hidden inside is an Obsidian crystal that blocks negative energy. Once your candle has burned retrieve your crystal and carry it with you, or place it in a special space to shield you from negativity.
Hand-poured and made with 100% American farmed soy wax, the natural essential + fragrance oil blend features notes of fresh linen.
Standard 9 oz
50 Hour Burn Time
Description provided about crystals is for information purposes only and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.
The Mindfulness Coloring Book- Volume Two
Regular price $9.95 Save $-9.95Little Bit of Tarot
Regular price $9.95 Save $-9.95Tarot cards can offer nuanced, personal readings even for beginners, helping us face the future, solve present-day problems, and better understand ourselves. Cassandra Eason opens a window onto the world of tarot, from choosing the right pack to interpreting the cards. She lays out the most important spreads, suggests intuitive methods for choosing cards, reveals what psychic protections to take when doing divination, and more.
8789 Words of Wisdom
Regular price $8.95 Save $-8.95- Learn to unlearn.
- Appreciate the questions as much as the answers.
- Stretch beyond what is comfortable.
- Good judgment comes from experience and experience comes from bad judgment.
Color Me Happy Coloring Book
Regular price $16.99 Save $-16.99Meditation Made Easy
Regular price $21.95 Save $-21.95Spirit of the Wheel Dk815
Regular price $25.99 Save $-25.99Tapping into the healing energies of the traditional medicine wheel, the evocative images in this 40-card deck represent the individual stones and their placement within the wheel. Whether you choose a single card or perform one of several spreads described, Spirit of the Wheel guides you with gentle prophecies and prayers along the spirit pathways toward self-discovery.
this moment is your miracle
Regular price $16.95 Save $-16.95Written by a world-renowned spiritual teacher of A Course in Miracles, this book reveals the profound power of the present moment and shows how tapping into it using practical insights and simple exercises can fortify the mind against fear, break down perceived limitations and the false sense of separation, and help readers manifest a life of joy, oneness, and serenity.
Little Guide To Butterflies
Regular price $12.99 Save $-12.99Featuring 40 of the most distinctive butterflies from around the world, this book is the perfect companion for anyone looking to reconnect with nature, whether that's when out walking or from the comfort of an armchair.
Each butterfly has been exquisitely illustrated by printmaker Tom Frost and is accompanied by all-important information including their habitat, distribution and wingspan, plus an interesting fact or fable. There is also an interactive spotter's guide, where you can check off and note the date each time you spot a new butterfly.
raven's wand oracle
Regular price $22.95 Save $-22.95Inspired by Steven Hutton's popular Dark Raven Chronicles Trilogy, Raven's Wand Oracle draws insights from the tale of a mysterious black wand, brave young Kolfinnia, whose fate it is to save witchcraft, and the sage old witch Valonia who counsels that mind creates matter. Other witches you will meet in the Wildwood""coven include Rhia Winsome, who shares her creative energy, Ada Crabbe, the senior gardener, Oceana, and the dragon twins Hethra and Halla. Each member of the coven has important life lessons to offer. Through vivid artwork and heartfelt messages, Raven's Wand Oracle invites you to explore the profound wisdom of witchcraft.
Includes 44 cards and 60""page guidebook with four custom card spreads.
think confident, be confi
Regular price $18.95 Save $-18.95Using powerful skills based in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), Think Confident, Be Confident for Teens shows you how to tap into your self-esteem so you can be yourself in every situation, no matter how awkward you feel or scary that may sound. The fun exercises and tips in this confidence-coaching workbook will guide you past feelings of self-doubt and encourage you to believe in yourself, strengthen your friendships, and meet every challenge head-on.
• Recognize and overcome the self-doubting thoughts that bring you down
• Grow your confident thoughts into confident actions
• Enjoy a full social life and attract new friends
• Feel smarter at school and build on your extracurricular talents
Regular price $24.95 Save $-24.95influence of the angels tarot
Regular price $26.95 Save $-26.95Angels' spiritual influence over human experience is beautifully portrayed in this gilt-edge deck through classic-inspired artwork. The 184-page illustrated guidebook features in-depth descriptions, symbolism and angelic messages. In addition to the 78 tarot cards, two reference cards are included in this glorious set presented in a deluxe box with gold foil accents.
Textured Copper Magnetic Bracelet - Large
Regular price $30.00 Save $-30.00Ancient artisans shaped nuggets of found metal by hammering them with hard rocks. This inspired band of pure copper hearkens back to those old pounding techniques, which took us from the Stone Age to present day. Chinese doctors have believed for millennia that a magnetic field, when next to the body, could markedly increase the wearer’s vital life force, known as ‘Chi’. The observed benefits were found to increase with the magnets’ proximity to acupressure points. We carefully place magnets in our bracelets near two important pressure points of the wrist. Each of our magnetic bracelets contains two powerful Rare Earth Magnets; one at each bracelet tip, carefully positioned to be worn over the wrist’s pressure points. Research has shown that magnetic fields influence biological systems and are believed to attract and repel charged particles in the bloodstream increasing circulation, stimulating tissue regeneration and reducing pain
Sizing Guide:
Small - For wrists up to 6" in diameter
Medium - For wrists 6-7" in diameter (most common for women)
Large - For wrists 7-8" in diameter (Most common for men)
X-Large - For wrists 8+" in diameter
CBD Tarot de marseilles
Regular price $21.99 Save $-21.99Published posthumously as a tribute to its creator, Yoav Ben-Dov, this Marseille deck is a faithful reproduction of the traditional tarot cards created by the esteemed Nicholas Conver in 1760. This vibrant 79-card deck includes an extra blank logo card to be used as a carte blanche, "for everything that is open and possible . Also included is a 56-page booklet with instructions for reading the cards, with both upright and inverse meanings. CBD Tarot de Marseille was voted by 13,000 Tarot Association Facebook subscribers as one of Top 50 Essential Tarot Decks, the only one in the Marseilles decks category.
no self help book
Regular price $17.95 Save $-17.95Written by a clinical psychologist and student of Eastern philosophy, this handy little guide offers a radical solution to anyone struggling with self-doubt, self-esteem, and self-defeating thoughts: “no-self help.” By breaking free of your own self-limiting beliefs, you’ll discover your infinite potential.
There is an insidious, global identity theft occurring that has robbed people of their very recognition of their true selves. The culprit—indeed the mastermind of this crisis—has committed the inside job of creating and promoting the idea that we are all a separate self, which is the chief source of our daily distress and dissatisfaction.
No more than a narrative of personhood pieced together from disparate neural activations, the self we believe ourselves to be in our own minds—although quite capable of being affirming, inspiring, and constructive—often spews forth a distressing flow of worry and second-guessing, blaming and shaming, regret and guilt. This book offers an antidote to this epidemic of stolen identity, isolation, and self-deprecation: no-self (a concept known in Buddhist philosophy as anatta or anatman).
The No-Self Help Book turns the idea of self-improvement on its head, arguing that the key to well-being lies not in the relentless pursuit of bettering one’s self but in the recognition of the self as a false identity born in the mind. Rather than identifying with a small, relative sense of self, this book encourages you to embrace a liberating alternative—an expansive awareness that is flexible and open to experiencing life as an ongoing and ever-changing process, without attachment to personal outcomes or storylines.
To help you make this leap from self to no-self, the book provides forty bite-sized chapters full of clever and inspiring insights based in positive psychology and non-duality—a philosophy that asserts there is no real separation between any of us. So, if you’re tired of “self-help” and you’re ready to explore who you are beyond the self, let The No-Self Help Book be your guide.
Textured Copper Magnetic Bracelet - Small
Regular price $30.00 Save $-30.00Ancient artisans shaped nuggets of found metal by hammering them with hard rocks. This inspired band of pure copper hearkens back to those old pounding techniques, which took us from the Stone Age to present day. Chinese doctors have believed for millennia that a magnetic field, when next to the body, could markedly increase the wearer’s vital life force, known as ‘Chi’. The observed benefits were found to increase with the magnets’ proximity to acupressure points. We carefully place magnets in our bracelets near two important pressure points of the wrist. Each of our magnetic bracelets contains two powerful Rare Earth Magnets; one at each bracelet tip, carefully positioned to be worn over the wrist’s pressure points. Research has shown that magnetic fields influence biological systems and are believed to attract and repel charged particles in the bloodstream increasing circulation, stimulating tissue regeneration and reducing pain
Sizing Guide:
Small - For wrists up to 6" in diameter
Medium - For wrists 6-7" in diameter (most common for women)
Large - For wrists 7-8" in diameter (Most common for men)
X-Large - For wrists 8+" in diameter
Mom's One Line A Day
Regular price $16.95 Save $-16.95A perfect baby shower, new mom, and first Mother's Day gift
Capture the everyday moments of motherhood with a quick and easy to maintain 5-year baby journal and memory book.
More than a daily diary or baby book: Take away the guilt from not making that baby scrapbook with Mom's One Line, a Day 5-year journal and memory book. With enough space to record a single thought, a memorable milestone, or a special event each day in the 5-year journal, this beautiful keepsake makes sure those precious memories will last a lifetime. Looking back it will provide a lasting snapshot of your thoughts, memories, and baby's growth and progress on each of the 365 days of your baby's year.
- Perfect for the busy mom-on-the-go who wants to capture the everyday moments of motherhood for 5-years in the growth of her baby
- Daily diary pages allow for an entry for five successive years — one journal entry for each of 5 years on a given date
Copper Peace Magnetic Bracelet - Large
Regular price $30.00 Save $-30.00Copper is believed to help enhance our feelings of compassion, empathy and generosity. Peace Copper symbolizes this sentiment in pure copper engraved with a journey around the world exploring different cultural names for peace including Salaam (Arabic), He Ping (Chinese), Paix (French), Frieden (German), Shalom (Hebrew), Shanti (Hindi), Paz (Spanish) and Mir (Russian). Chinese doctors have believed for millennia that a magnetic field, when next to the body, could markedly increase the wearer’s vital life force, known as ‘Chi’. The observed benefits were found to increase with the magnets’ proximity to acupressure points. We carefully place magnets in our bracelets near two important pressure points of the wrist. Each of our magnetic bracelets contains two powerful Rare Earth Magnets; one at each bracelet tip, carefully positioned to be worn over the wrist’s pressure points. Research has shown that magnetic fields influence biological systems and are believed to attract and repel charged particles in the bloodstream increasing circulation, stimulating tissue regeneration and reducing pain
Sizing Guide:
Small - For wrists up to 6" in diameter
Medium - For wrists 6-7" in diameter (most common for women)
Large - For wrists 7-8" in diameter (Most common for men)
X-Large - For wrists 8+" in diameter