- Abalone Shell
- accessories
- affirmation
- affirmation cards
- african turquoise
- agate
- air freshener
- almond
- Alternative Therapies
- amazing grace
- amazonite
- Amber
- amethyst
- ametrine
- ammonite
- Angel
- angelite
- angels
- animals
- anise
- anniversary card
- anniversary gift
- apache tears
- apatite
- aqua aura
- aqua terra
- Aquamarine
- Archangel
- argan
- aromatherapy
- Art
- Ascended Masters and Guides
- Athena
- auralite
- aventurine
- awareness
- azurite
- back flow incense
- backback
- backpack
- backscratcher
- bag attachment
- bags
- balance
- ball
- bamboo
- bangle
- banner
- bar soap
- baseball tee
- bath bomb
- bath melt
- bath soak
- bee
- beechwood
- Bell
- bells
- Bergamot
- Bicycle
- Biography & Memoir
- bird
- birds
- birthday card
- Birthstone
- Black
- black cat
- Black Obsidian
- Black Tourmaline
- blank cards
- bloodstone
- blue amber
- blue aragonite
- Blue Chalcedony
- blue lace agate
- blue onyx
- blue sky jasper
- blue topaz
- blue zircon
- body and spirit
- boho
- boho mug
- boho towel
- books
- botanical jewelry
- botanicals
- bottoms
- bracelet
- brass
- brazilian clay
- Bronze
- brown
- brushed
- bucket bag
- buddha
- buddhism
- business
- butterfly
- butterfly garland
- calendula
- calming
- can cooler
- Candle
- candle holder
- canvas
- cardigan
- cards
- carnelian
- Cascade
- castile soap
- Cat
- Cedarwood
- celestite
- celtic
- ceramic
- Chakra
- chakras
- chamomile
- charcoal
- charoite
- chevron amethyst
- Chip clip
- christianity
- chrysocolla
- chrysoprase
- citrine
- cleansing
- coconut
- coffee
- coin purse
- colored pencils
- colorful glass
- coloring book
- condolence card
- cone
- Confidence
- congratulations card
- cooking methods
- copper
- correspondence cards
- crackle quartz
- Crafts & Hobbies
- cross
- cross body bag
- Crown Chakra
- Crystal
- crystal specimen
- crystals
- Cubic Zirconia
- cuff
- cuff bracelet
- cutting board
- dark brown
- dead sea mud
- dead sea salt
- decocr
- decor
- decoration
- decorative chime
- design
- divination
- dog butt
- dog tag
- dolphin
- Dove's Heart
- dragonfly
- dragons blood
- dragonstone
- Dream
- Dream Catcher
- dreams
- dress
- druzy
- earrings
- Earth
- Earth Worriors
- eastern religions
- Egyptian Musk
- elephant
- emerald
- Emperor
- Enchanted Forest
- essential oil
- eternal rose
- eternity rose
- Eucalyptus
- evil eye
- face mask
- Fairy
- fall fashions
- family
- fashion
- feather
- female history
- female power
- feng shui
- Figruine
- figurine
- fire agate
- firefly
- Fisherman
- flamingo
- fluorite
- forever rose
- fossil
- fox
- fragrance
- fragrance oil
- Frank and Myrrh
- frankincense
- fregrance
- french green clay
- French Lavender
- frog
- funny
- furry bones
- Furrybones
- gag gift
- Gaia
- Games
- Ganesha
- garland
- garnet
- Gaspéite
- gemstone
- gemstone bracelet
- generations
- gift
- gift bags
- gifts
- glass beads
- glittens
- goat
- gold
- gold dipped rose
- goldstone
- Gong
- good luck
- graditude
- grand
- green goldstone
- Green Tourmaline
- gregorian alto
- Guardian
- Guardian Angel
- guidance
- guidence
- guitar
- haitian metal
- half
- half bloom rose
- hammered
- hamsa
- hamsa hand
- handmade
- handwarmer
- Haniel
- hat
- headbands
- healing
- healing hand
- health
- Health & Fitness
- heart
- hematite
- henna
- herbal
- herbs
- hiddenite
- himalayan salt
- historical fiction
- horse
- Horus
- hourglass
- Housewarming
- housewarming card
- howlite
- Human Anatomy
- Ice
- icicle
- incense
- incense cone
- incense holder
- india temple
- infinity
- infinity headband
- Inspiration & Motivation
- inspirational
- iolite
- jacket
- jade
- Japanese
- Jasmine
- Jasper
- jean
- jewelry
- jizo
- journal
- journals
- jumpsuit
- jute
- karma
- keychains
- kimono
- knits
- Kuan Yin
- kunzite
- kyanite
- labradorite
- lantern
- lapis
- large
- large bag
- larimar
- lava
- lava rock
- lava stone
- lavendar
- lavender
- leggings
- Lemon
- lemon chrysocolla
- Lemongrass
- Lenormand Cards
- leopard skin jasper
- lepidolite
- letters
- literary fiction
- locket
- lolite
- long sleeve
- Lori Mitchell
- lotus
- love
- low smoke
- luck card
- made in Bali
- made in Canada
- made in china
- made in India
- made in Indonesia
- made in Morocco
- made in Nepal
- made in Turkey
- magick
- magnet
- magnetic
- magnetoc
- malachite
- Malas
- mandala
- marcasite
- marriage
- marriage card
- masks
- massage
- matryoshka
- mediation
- mediative hands
- medicine
- meditation
- mediu m
- medium
- medium bag
- mens gifts
- mermaid
- messenger bag
- Metal Art
- metal bells
- metal chime
- mexican onyx
- military tent
- mind
- mindfullness
- mindfulness
- Mist
- misticks
- monk
- Monkey
- moodstar
- mookaite
- moon and stars
- moonlight
- Moonstone
- morganite
- morocco clay
- mortar & pestle
- mother of pearl
- mothers
- mothers day
- mudra
- Mug
- myrrh
- nag champa
- namaste
- Native American
- necklace
- nesting dolls
- new baby card
- Nonfiction
- Numerology
- obsidian
- ocean agate
- ocean jasper
- octagon
- onyx
- opal
- opalite
- Oracle Cards
- ornament
- oven mitt
- overalls
- pachelbel
- palo santo
- pants
- party
- past lives
- Patch
- patchouli
- patchouly
- Paua
- peace
- Peacock
- pearl
- pebble
- pendant
- peppermint
- Perfume
- peridot
- Personal Growth
- peruvian blue opal
- pets
- Philosophy
- pin
- pink mangano calcite
- pink opal
- pink tourmaline
- pistachio calcite
- Pluto
- poetry
- polished
- poncho
- poster
- pouch
- prayer
- Prayer Beads
- prayer flag
- prehnite
- prosperity hen
- protection
- Psychology
- purple
- Purpleheart
- purse
- pyrite
- quartz
- Rainbow
- Rainbow Maker
- rainbow moonstone
- Raven
- recycled material
- red jasper
- Reiki
- relaxation
- Religion
- rhodonite
- rhyolite
- rice bag
- ring
- Root
- Rose
- rose quartz
- Rosemary
- ruby
- ruby fuschite
- ruby zoisite
- rudraksha
- Sacral
- sage
- sage spray
- sandalwood
- sapphire
- sari/sarong
- Science
- scolecite
- scrunchie set
- Seal
- sedona red jasper
- selenite
- selenite lamp
- self help
- self love
- self-improvement
- sentiment
- serpentine
- serving spoons
- seven metals
- Shamanic
- shattuckite
- short sleeve
- shorts
- shungite
- Shunya Mudra
- Silver
- singing bowl
- Skeleton
- skirt
- sleep
- small
- small bag
- small bags
- smoky quartz
- smudge
- smudge feather
- smudging
- snowflake obsidian
- socks
- sodalite
- Solar Plexus
- solo bell
- spirit animal
- spiritual
- spiritual fiction
- St. Francis
- stationary
- stationery
- statue
- sterling silver
- stocking stuffer
- stone set
- Straw
- stress-relief
- suncatcher
- sunstone
- super hit
- super seven
- support card
- swarovski
- sweatshirt
- sweetgrass
- tabletop
- tan
- tangerine quartz
- tank top
- tanzanite
- tapestry
- tarot
- tarot cards
- Tea
- tea light holder
- tee
- tektite
- thank you card
- therapy balls
- thin
- Third Eye
- Throat Chakra
- tibetan prayer flag
- tiger's eye
- tin box
- tingsha
- tiny bag
- titanium
- topaz
- tops
- Tote
- tourmaline
- towels
- travel
- travel bag
- travel mug
- tray
- Tree
- Tree of life
- Trees
- tumbled stone
- tunic
- turkey
- turquoise
- unakite
- unicorn
- US Map
- valentines day
- vanilla
- Verdigris
- votive holder
- wall hanging
- wealth
- wedding favors
- wellness
- white
- white sage
- Wicca
- wide
- Willow Tree
- wind chime
- winter fashions
- wisdom
- witch
- witchcraft
- wolf
- women's empowerment
- womens gift
- wrap bracelet
- x-large
- yoga
- yoga top
- yoga wear
- Abalone Shell
- accessories
- affirmation
- affirmation cards
- african turquoise
- agate
- air freshener
- almond
- Alternative Therapies
- amazing grace
- amazonite
- Amber
- amethyst
- ametrine
- ammonite
- Angel
- angelite
- angels
- animals
- anise
- anniversary card
- anniversary gift
- apache tears
- apatite
- aqua aura
- aqua terra
- Aquamarine
- Archangel
- argan
- aromatherapy
- Art
- Ascended Masters and Guides
- Athena
- auralite
- aventurine
- awareness
- azurite
- back flow incense
- backback
- backpack
- backscratcher
- bag attachment
- bags
- balance
- ball
- bamboo
- bangle
- banner
- bar soap
- baseball tee
- bath bomb
- bath melt
- bath soak
- bee
- beechwood
- Bell
- bells
- Bergamot
- Bicycle
- Biography & Memoir
- bird
- birds
- birthday card
- Birthstone
- Black
- black cat
- Black Obsidian
- Black Tourmaline
- blank cards
- bloodstone
- blue amber
- blue aragonite
- Blue Chalcedony
- blue lace agate
- blue onyx
- blue sky jasper
- blue topaz
- blue zircon
- body and spirit
- boho
- boho mug
- boho towel
- books
- botanical jewelry
- botanicals
- bottoms
- bracelet
- brass
- brazilian clay
- Bronze
- brown
- brushed
- bucket bag
- buddha
- buddhism
- business
- butterfly
- butterfly garland
- calendula
- calming
- can cooler
- Candle
- candle holder
- canvas
- cardigan
- cards
- carnelian
- Cascade
- castile soap
- Cat
- Cedarwood
- celestite
- celtic
- ceramic
- Chakra
- chakras
- chamomile
- charcoal
- charoite
- chevron amethyst
- Chip clip
- christianity
- chrysocolla
- chrysoprase
- citrine
- cleansing
- coconut
- coffee
- coin purse
- colored pencils
- colorful glass
- coloring book
- condolence card
- cone
- Confidence
- congratulations card
- cooking methods
- copper
- correspondence cards
- crackle quartz
- Crafts & Hobbies
- cross
- cross body bag
- Crown Chakra
- Crystal
- crystal specimen
- crystals
- Cubic Zirconia
- cuff
- cuff bracelet
- cutting board
- dark brown
- dead sea mud
- dead sea salt
- decocr
- decor
- decoration
- decorative chime
- design
- divination
- dog butt
- dog tag
- dolphin
- Dove's Heart
- dragonfly
- dragons blood
- dragonstone
- Dream
- Dream Catcher
- dreams
- dress
- druzy
- earrings
- Earth
- Earth Worriors
- eastern religions
- Egyptian Musk
- elephant
- emerald
- Emperor
- Enchanted Forest
- essential oil
- eternal rose
- eternity rose
- Eucalyptus
- evil eye
- face mask
- Fairy
- fall fashions
- family
- fashion
- feather
- female history
- female power
- feng shui
- Figruine
- figurine
- fire agate
- firefly
- Fisherman
- flamingo
- fluorite
- forever rose
- fossil
- fox
- fragrance
- fragrance oil
- Frank and Myrrh
- frankincense
- fregrance
- french green clay
- French Lavender
- frog
- funny
- furry bones
- Furrybones
- gag gift
- Gaia
- Games
- Ganesha
- garland
- garnet
- Gaspéite
- gemstone
- gemstone bracelet
- generations
- gift
- gift bags
- gifts
- glass beads
- glittens
- goat
- gold
- gold dipped rose
- goldstone
- Gong
- good luck
- graditude
- grand
- green goldstone
- Green Tourmaline
- gregorian alto
- Guardian
- Guardian Angel
- guidance
- guidence
- guitar
- haitian metal
- half
- half bloom rose
- hammered
- hamsa
- hamsa hand
- handmade
- handwarmer
- Haniel
- hat
- headbands
- healing
- healing hand
- health
- Health & Fitness
- heart
- hematite
- henna
- herbal
- herbs
- hiddenite
- himalayan salt
- historical fiction
- horse
- Horus
- hourglass
- Housewarming
- housewarming card
- howlite
- Human Anatomy
- Ice
- icicle
- incense
- incense cone
- incense holder
- india temple
- infinity
- infinity headband
- Inspiration & Motivation
- inspirational
- iolite
- jacket
- jade
- Japanese
- Jasmine
- Jasper
- jean
- jewelry
- jizo
- journal
- journals
- jumpsuit
- jute
- karma
- keychains
- kimono
- knits
- Kuan Yin
- kunzite
- kyanite
- labradorite
- lantern
- lapis
- large
- large bag
- larimar
- lava
- lava rock
- lava stone
- lavendar
- lavender
- leggings
- Lemon
- lemon chrysocolla
- Lemongrass
- Lenormand Cards
- leopard skin jasper
- lepidolite
- letters
- literary fiction
- locket
- lolite
- long sleeve
- Lori Mitchell
- lotus
- love
- low smoke
- luck card
- made in Bali
- made in Canada
- made in china
- made in India
- made in Indonesia
- made in Morocco
- made in Nepal
- made in Turkey
- magick
- magnet
- magnetic
- magnetoc
- malachite
- Malas
- mandala
- marcasite
- marriage
- marriage card
- masks
- massage
- matryoshka
- mediation
- mediative hands
- medicine
- meditation
- mediu m
- medium
- medium bag
- mens gifts
- mermaid
- messenger bag
- Metal Art
- metal bells
- metal chime
- mexican onyx
- military tent
- mind
- mindfullness
- mindfulness
- Mist
- misticks
- monk
- Monkey
- moodstar
- mookaite
- moon and stars
- moonlight
- Moonstone
- morganite
- morocco clay
- mortar & pestle
- mother of pearl
- mothers
- mothers day
- mudra
- Mug
- myrrh
- nag champa
- namaste
- Native American
- necklace
- nesting dolls
- new baby card
- Nonfiction
- Numerology
- obsidian
- ocean agate
- ocean jasper
- octagon
- onyx
- opal
- opalite
- Oracle Cards
- ornament
- oven mitt
- overalls
- pachelbel
- palo santo
- pants
- party
- past lives
- Patch
- patchouli
- patchouly
- Paua
- peace
- Peacock
- pearl
- pebble
- pendant
- peppermint
- Perfume
- peridot
- Personal Growth
- peruvian blue opal
- pets
- Philosophy
- pin
- pink mangano calcite
- pink opal
- pink tourmaline
- pistachio calcite
- Pluto
- poetry
- polished
- poncho
- poster
- pouch
- prayer
- Prayer Beads
- prayer flag
- prehnite
- prosperity hen
- protection
- Psychology
- purple
- Purpleheart
- purse
- pyrite
- quartz
- Rainbow
- Rainbow Maker
- rainbow moonstone
- Raven
- recycled material
- red jasper
- Reiki
- relaxation
- Religion
- rhodonite
- rhyolite
- rice bag
- ring
- Root
- Rose
- rose quartz
- Rosemary
- ruby
- ruby fuschite
- ruby zoisite
- rudraksha
- Sacral
- sage
- sage spray
- sandalwood
- sapphire
- sari/sarong
- Science
- scolecite
- scrunchie set
- Seal
- sedona red jasper
- selenite
- selenite lamp
- self help
- self love
- self-improvement
- sentiment
- serpentine
- serving spoons
- seven metals
- Shamanic
- shattuckite
- short sleeve
- shorts
- shungite
- Shunya Mudra
- Silver
- singing bowl
- Skeleton
- skirt
- sleep
- small
- small bag
- small bags
- smoky quartz
- smudge
- smudge feather
- smudging
- snowflake obsidian
- socks
- sodalite
- Solar Plexus
- solo bell
- spirit animal
- spiritual
- spiritual fiction
- St. Francis
- stationary
- stationery
- statue
- sterling silver
- stocking stuffer
- stone set
- Straw
- stress-relief
- suncatcher
- sunstone
- super hit
- super seven
- support card
- swarovski
- sweatshirt
- sweetgrass
- tabletop
- tan
- tangerine quartz
- tank top
- tanzanite
- tapestry
- tarot
- tarot cards
- Tea
- tea light holder
- tee
- tektite
- thank you card
- therapy balls
- thin
- Third Eye
- Throat Chakra
- tibetan prayer flag
- tiger's eye
- tin box
- tingsha
- tiny bag
- titanium
- topaz
- tops
- Tote
- tourmaline
- towels
- travel
- travel bag
- travel mug
- tray
- Tree
- Tree of life
- Trees
- tumbled stone
- tunic
- turkey
- turquoise
- unakite
- unicorn
- US Map
- valentines day
- vanilla
- Verdigris
- votive holder
- wall hanging
- wealth
- wedding favors
- wellness
- white
- white sage
- Wicca
- wide
- Willow Tree
- wind chime
- winter fashions
- wisdom
- witch
- witchcraft
- wolf
- women's empowerment
- womens gift
- wrap bracelet
- x-large
- yoga
- yoga top
- yoga wear
2253 products
Boho Butterfly Mug
Regular price $18.99 Save $-18.99Live the boho lifestyle sipping on these inspiratinal and beautifully designed bohemian mugs! Perfect for coffee and tea drinkers alike...
- Holds up to 12oz
- Measures approximately: 4.25 inches x 3.7 inches
- Materials: Ceramic
- Care: Top Rack Dishwasher and Microwave Safe
Inspirational Message: Be the Change
llama bag clips
Regular price $16.99 Save $-16.99These bag clips keep a strong hold and bring fun into the kitchen! Perfect little house warming gift, hostess gift or stocking stuffer!
- Seals in freshness for days
- Four clips per pack
- Measures approximately: 2.75 inches x .75 inches
- Materials: White Washed Wood
- Care: Wipe Clean
half headband grey heart
Regular price $9.99 Save $-9.99These one size fits most headbands bring color and pop to your style, while keeping your hair out of your face. Made with super comfortable fabric for multi-hour wears.
- Versitile design
- Measures approx.: "10 x 9.5"
- Materials: 100% Polyester Microfiber
- Care: Machine Washable
Chakra Clearing book
Regular price $16.99 Save $-16.99When you clear away negative energy residues from fear and worry, your natural spiritual power awakens. This innate power allows you to know the future; freely communicate with God and the angels; and heal yourself, others, and the planet. In Chakra Clearing, Doreen Virtue guides you through meditations and visualizations to clear your chakras, which activates your inborn healing and psychic abilities. Enclosed you’ll also find a code for an audio download that complements the material in the book. The audio starts with a morning meditation designed to begin your day with a bright, positive energy frequency and surround you with healing light. The relaxing evening meditation that follows clears away energy that you may have absorbed during the day, and invites angels to enter your dreams and give you divine messages. This comprehensive chakra-clearing program will help you fullyactivate your spiritual power to know and heal!
the Linestrider Tarot
Regular price $29.99 Save $-29.99Spun with soft strokes of vibrant color and intricate detail, The Linestrider Tarot features gentle yet evocative images that dance on the edge between magic and logic. With grace and innovation, Siolo Thompson's captivating minimalist art will enhance your readings in powerful and profound ways.
Linestriding is about walking in two worlds—one foot in each to discover guidance. Drawing inspiration from the edge while still moving forward on the Fool's journey, this Rider-Waite-Smith-based deck helps uncover the answers you seek about health, love, career, and much more.
forest of enchantment tarot
Regular price $31.99 Save $-31.99Once you step into the enchanted wood, your life—and your spirit—will never be the same. The forest is alive with magic: wise ancient trees, glowing blossoms, crystal caves, and forbidding thickets of thorns. Here you will meet witches and wizards, faeries and elves, birds and beasts both earthly and otherworldly, ghosts and shape-shifters, dancing princesses and sad old knights. As you wend your way along the twisting woodland paths, finding adventure at every turn, the old tales come to life. In the Forest of Enchantment, you may seek your fortune, quest for success, and live happily ever after.
Regular price $45.00 Save $-45.00Explore the mystical esoteric tradition of the Kabbalah via this comprehensive study of the Tarot, using the Tree of Life and the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. 78 beautiful Tarot cards are widely analyzed showing past, present, future, obstacles, final results, and other important divination symbols to help the reader understand practical solutions to their everyday questions and situations. An accurate and methodic companion guide brings those interested in the Kabbalistic discipline for the first time into the fold by linking Tarot's key elements to the Tree of life and 22 Hebrew letters, thereby getting in touch with the archetypes contained in every single trump card. Develop your own body, soul, and spirit via the creative spreads included. Includes a Tree of LIfe Map. For both the novice and experienced reader.
Regular price $24.99 Save $-24.99Gems are precious and each one can assist you on a spectacular journey to enlightenment. But what if you didn’t have access to the crystal you wanted to work with? Through the power of intention and the creative use of thoughts and words, these 44 colorful and powerful cards can remedy this for you! With using your intention, carrying a crystal card is like carrying the physical gemstone. The cards also give a crystal description and provide sound meaning and advice channeled by Yeshua (Jesus). The workbook describes how one can use crystal cards for empowerment, personal growth, and the attainment of peace in one’s life through the clearing of chakras. This deck and guide can also be used as an oracle and is intended for the layperson through the seasoned healers.
essential guide to crystals minerals and stones
Regular price $25.99 Save $-25.99Improve your life on all levels—mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually—with this essential reference guide to 160 easily-procured crystals, minerals, and stones. Packed with practical knowledge and 190 beautiful full-color photos, this easy-to-use handbook will teach you all about the gemstone world.
Each page provides you with concise information: stone name and properties, color, corresponding chakra, planet, element, zodiac sign, numerological association, and mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual uses. Margaret Ann Lembo's metaphysical crystal directory will also give you Mohs scale ratings, divinatory meanings, and a series of positive affirmations for each stone. Learn how to charge, cleanse, and use gemstones in healing grids, plus how to use them as oracles for personal development and spiritual awakening.
Warrior Goddess Wisdom Daily Inspiration for Women
Regular price $16.95 Save $-16.95HeatherAsh Amara’s Warrior Goddess Training has helped thousands of women all over the world harness their divine feminine energy and take control of their lives. In Warrior Goddess Wisdom, Amara has created a package of daily encouragement and insight to help you progress on your own Warrior Goddess path. Each page contains a quote, a reflection, and a daily action or mantra, all of which are designed to guide you back to supporting yourself, finding your inner truth, and deepening your self-love.
Regular price $34.99 Save $-34.99Immerse yourself in Divine healing energy as you discover ways to transform into your best self through 44 lavish and richly illustrated cards. This oracle harnesses the ancient mystical powers of the four elements—Earth, Air, Fire, and Water—and is designed specifically to help navigate daily life with detailed insights that will illuminate the turning points in your personal and spiritual growth. The visions and messages in the accompanying guidebook will inspire you to manifest your Highest Self, fulfill your Divine Destiny, and spread positivity, hope, and healing to everyone you touch. As you move through eight phases of transformation with quick insight to the situations in your life, identify the stages as beginning, ending, stasis, quietude, growth, nourishment, decline, and refinement. Ten spreads and thirty-two tools will help your exploration of self. It's time to transform into the person you've always wanted and needed to be. Appropriate for all levels of readers.
Dreams of Gaia Tarot
Regular price $37.95 Save $-37.95The philosophy of the Dreams of Gaia Tarot is simple: to seek, to feel, to grow, to heal. This deck will strengthen your connection to your divine self, while helping you to identify and heal past experiences that hold you back from living to your fullest potential. Learn to recognise when times of growth and change are approaching, and face them with confidence and a sense of anticipation. Learn when to take action, and when to be still. Learn to trust in your intuition. By offering structure in the form of a major and minor arcana like that of past tarots, but combining them with bold new archetypes, symbology, and meanings more suited to the present, the Dreams of Gaia Tarot allows for a more personal, intimate, and effective system for using cards as a roadmap to navigate your life path. Embark on this extraordinary journey of undoing, of being, and becoming, and be inspired by the knowledge that all that manifests in your future is born of choices you make today.
how to heal yourself when no one can
Regular price $18.99 Save $-18.99Using energy therapy and emotional healing techniques, How to Heal Yourself When No One Else Can shows you how to achieve complete and permanent healing by loving, accepting, and being yourself no matter what. Energy therapist Amy Scher presents an easy-to-understand, three-part approach to removing blockages, changing your relationship with stress, and coming into alignment with who you truly are.
After overcoming a life-threatening illness, Amy had an epiphany that healing is more than just physical. Her dramatic story serves as a powerful example of how beneficial it is to address our emotional energies, particularly when nothing else works. Discover areas of imbalance and easy ways to address them on your healing journey. Whether you are experiencing physical symptoms or are just feeling lost, sad, anxious, or emotionally unbalanced, this book can change your life.
animal speak
Regular price $24.99 Save $-24.99Open your heart and mind to the wisdom of the animal world.
Animal Speak provides techniques for recognizing and interpreting the signs and omens of nature. Meet and work with animals as totems and spirit guides by learning the language of their behaviors within the physical world.
Animal Speak shows you how to:
- Identify, meet, and attune to your spirit animals
- Discover the power and spiritual significance of more than 100 different animals, birds, insects, and reptiles
- Call upon the protective powers of your animal totem
- Create and use five magical animal rites, including shapeshifting and sacred dance
This beloved, bestselling guide has become a classic reference for anyone wishing to forge a spiritual connection with the majesty and mystery of the animal world.
Seventy Eight Degrees of Wisdom
Regular price $22.95 Save $-22.95When it was first published nearly 40-years-ago, Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom was an instant classic and inspired generations of tarot students. Often referred to as the "bible of tarot books" it has now helped to launch the "tarot renaissance" we're seeing today. Drawing on mythology and esoteric traditions and delving deeply into the symbolism and ideas of each card, the book offers a modern psychological interpretation of the tarot archetypes rather than a system of esoteric symbolism.
This book provides:
- A concise history of tarot
- An introduction to common tarot spreads
- A clear and endlessly useful reference for both beginning and advanced tarot students
Does not include tarot cards.
Kuan Yin oracle deck
Regular price $25.95 Save $-25.95Known as the Goddess of Mercy and Compassion, Kuan Yin is revered by Buddhists throughout East Asia. Inspired by her divine wisdom, this beautifully illustrated oracle is designed to guide us toward a loving and enlightened life. The cards contain messages and practical exercises to nourish you on your spiritual path. Open your heart to Kuan Yin's teachings, and learn to love, trust, and live your highest destiny.
Regular price $24.99 Save $-24.99Trees are guardians of our lives, but there is a drastic contrast between the living and the dead in nature and spirit. These disquieting, yet beautiful 78 Tarot cards and guidebook identify a clear correlation of how humans exist within current times. We become less functional, depleted, and unable to connect to our personal happiness as we pull our nourishment from a depleted source. These guardians will teach you that in a nourishing environment, where your needs are met and supported by others, you grow stronger. By bringing two entities together—trees and humans—you will journey along a path to unite and foster awareness of the importance between nature and yourself and promote your own personal development and joy. Find a nourishing environment and improve your life with the guardianship of trees.
Kahlil Gibrann's Little Book of Love Neil Douglas
Regular price $15.95 Save $-15.95Kahlil Gibran's aphorisms, stories, and poetry on a theme remain among some of those best known to Western readers. His views, however, extend beyond the most-quoted "greeting card" sayings to a wide realm of human emotions and relationships--passion, desire, idealized love, justice, friendship, and the challenges of dealing with strangers, neighbors, and enemies. This little book captures love and life in all of their complexities and nuances.
This little volume includes over 90 selections from Gibran's writings and is divided into four sections:
- Love's Initiation
- The Veils of Love
- All of Our Relationships
- A Love Beyond
This book, ideal for all gift-giving occasions, is informative, illuminating, and inspirational.
Warrior Goddess Training
Regular price $17.95 Save $-17.95It’s no secret that women today are juggling a lot. We now make up more than half the workforce in the United States and are busier than ever with partners, children, family and friends, often putting the needs of others ahead of our own.
And if we feel overwhelmed by it all or fall short of perfection, many of us have learned to be our own worst critic rather than our own best friend.
In Warrior Goddess Training, bestselling author HeatherAsh Amara provides the antidote to the flawed idea that you are not enough.
Direct, honest, and unapologetic, Amara will show you how to release the layers of expectations to finally see yourself for the authentic, perceptive, perfect woman you really are.
If you don’t love and honor yourself with every fiber of your being, if you struggle with owning your power and passion, if you could use more joyful play and simple presence in your life, then it is time for an inner revolution.
It is time to claim your Warrior Goddess energy.
Drawing on the wisdom from Buddhism, Toltec wisdom, and ancient Earth-based goddess spirituality, the Warrior Goddess path includes personal stories, rituals, and exercises that will encourage and inspire you to become the true warrior goddess you are meant to be.
Regular price $29.99 Save $-29.99native spirit oracle cards
Regular price $21.99 Save $-21.99The Native Spirit Oracle Cards profoundly deepen your connection to the mysterious, natural forces around you. Created by Denise Linn, an enrolled member of the Cherokee tribe and the best-selling author of the books Quest and Kindling the Native Spirit, this 44-card deck with companion guidebook holds the keys to unlocking a wondrous realm where you’ll discover what destiny has in store for you. These oracle cards were birthed at the base of a sacred mountain, and they carry the mystical energy that surrounded their birthing. Each card opens a gateway so that you can powerfully and immediately discern your own unique, secret messages from the Universe.
52 Ways to Live the Course in Miracles
Regular price $16.95 Save $-16.95Find the pathway to peace. We all face struggles that can leave us feeling broken and hopeless. Whether its grief, addiction, trauma, or even just bumps in our road to success, it’s easy to get discouraged. If there is one thing we all are searching for in times of trouble, it’s peace. In her inspirational book, Karen Casey takes us on a journey towards peaceful living by sharing how she has found serenity in her own life. By listening to her experiences, we can learn how to find that path for ourselves.
Creating a life of love. When Casey was struggling with addiction, she found a source of healing through the book, A Course in Miracles. Changed by what she learned, Casey was inspired to share this source of spiritual transformation with others. As a successful writer and experienced speaker, Casey’s passion for offering sources of healing has changed countless lives. In this motivational book, she teaches readers that the goal is not perfection, but rather progress towards creating a life of love and peace. When we let go of the things that cause us anxiety, we open ourselves up to embrace a loving life.
wisdom of the hidden realms
Regular price $24.99 Save $-24.99Mystics have passed down stories of magical realms hidden from mortal sight, bridging the world of Nature and Spirit. Even before the written word, the ancients established a Divine partnership between humans and these Hidden Realms. Both agreed to form an eternal Sacred Alliance to establish harmony and balance between the material and the spiritual. The Alliance ensured that when we asked for guidance in manifesting our reality, they would help us find our way to the highest good for all. But in time, humanity turned itself away from the natural world as a source for the Divine and forgot about the realms in the Unseen realities. Religious superstition, dominance, and the power of intellect, reason, and technology became our focus; and our partnership was forgotten, so the realms faded away. As our global concerns have increasingly been more plaintive, they have returned to help us find our way home to our true purpose, prosperity, hope, and happiness.These cards represent some of those realms and their Queens and Kings, Princes, and other magical helpers. Let the Swan Queen point the way to transformation, the Arrow Master help you reach your goals, the Sun Dancers herald your victories, and the Sacred Union speak to the depth of your longing for love. Ask and ye shall receive, for the Highest Good is their motto. If you call upon them, they will answer.
Power Animal Cards
Regular price $21.99 Save $-21.99Power animals are spirit guides in animal form who provide protection, guidance, and healing. This deck of 44 oracle cards by Steven Farmer will connect you with animal spirit guides who will advise you about any aspect of your life. Whether you’ a beginner or an experienced reader, the enclosed easy-to-follow guidebook provides instructions to help you immediately give accurate readings to yourself and others.
Kahlil Gibran - Little Book of Secrets
Regular price $15.95 Save $-15.95This book is a collection of Gibran's words on life's big questions and the mysteries of the spiritual path. It is an exploration of the riddles and conundrums that are part of the fabric of existence, and it is an attempt to penetrate and explain the mysteries of life.
Gibran was fascinated by life's puzzles and riddles--those questions that cause us to stop what we are doing and ask, "Why?" Here are his musings about the seemingly unanswerable questions and his exploration of good and evil, love and hate, and the difference between appearances and reality.
Kahlil Gibran's Little Book of Secrets is organized into five sections that elucidate the key issues and questions that each of us face:
- Entering the Labyrinth of Life
- Secrets of Life and Death
- Life's Ups and Downs
- Secrets of Good and Evil
- Traveling the Inner Path
This inspirational gift volume gently guides readers through life's big issues: meaning and mortality, good and evil, and discovering an authentic spiritual path. Suitable for all gift-giving occasions, it is a book that delights, informs, and inspires.
Vegan Food52
Regular price $22.99 Save $-22.99An essential collection of hassle-free, vibrant vegan recipes, from the author behind Food52’s wildly popular The New Veganism and Vegan Lunch columns. Omnivore or vegan (or anywhere in between), we’re all looking for memorable, flavorful dishes to cook for ourselves and the people we care about. If those recipes happen to be healthful, nourishing, and friendly to vegetarians and vegans, even better. With her wildly popular New Veganism column on Food52, Gena Hamshaw has inspired home cooks to incorporate plant-based recipes into their everyday routine—and even gained some nutritional yeast and cashew cheese converts. This vibrant collection of all-new recipes plus beloved favorites from the column—along with exquisite photography and helpful tips throughout—will show all of us innovative ways to cook with fresh produce and whole foods. From Savory Breakfast Polenta to Cauliflower and Oyster Mushroom Tacos to Ginger Roasted Pears with Vanilla Cream, these recipes are delicious, dependable, and deeply satisfying. Cook from this book just a couple of times and you’ll soon find yourself stocking up on coconut oil, blending your own nut milks, seeking the sweetest tomatoes at the market, and looking at plant-based dishes in a whole new way.
No Death, No Fear
Regular price $16.00 Save $-16.00mermaid tarot
Regular price $29.99 Save $-29.99The mer-folk are teachers and guides, born in a watery world of magical mythology and powerful energy. This elegantly illustrated deck invites you to receive the lessons and blessings of the mystical realm, offering the insights you need to move forward through the challenges and barriers that we all must face. Now more than ever, the songs of the Mermaid are calling the people of the land. Let their magic be your guide.
archetype cards
Regular price $29.99 Save $-29.99Archetypes are ancient, universal patterns of behavior that are embedded in what Carl Jung called the “collective unconscious.” Caroline Myss has created a unique set of 80 Archetype Cards, each individually designed to provide the basic Light and Shadow Attributes of a different Archetype. The deck also contains six blank cards on which you can create your own Archetypes. The deck comes with an instruction booklet explaining how to use the cards to help determine which Archetypes are most active in your psyche, and how they can lead you to achieve greater insights into your life. The deck is suitable to be used by itself, in conjunction with Caroline’s book Sacred Contracts, or with any of her workshops and seminars.
Shadowscapes Tarot
Regular price $29.99 Save $-29.99Surrender to the fantastical world of your deepest dreams...where butterflies float upon shifting mists set aglow by the rising sun. A place where twisting branches arc across shimmering skies, willowy fairies dance on air, and tree spirits sing from a hallowed oak. Delve into the shadows of your dreams—and awaken to truth.
Weaving together Asian, Celtic, and fantasy styles of artwork, this breathtaking Rider-Waite-Smith-based tarot deck by renowned artist Stephanie Pui-Mun Law is infused with universal symbols found in fairy tales, myths, and folklore from cultures around the world.
A companion guidebook presents the artist's evocative interpretations of each card's significance. It also features an introduction by award-winning tarot expert Barbara Moore that includes tarot basics, instructions for giving insightful readings, and practical spreads.
Includes tarot deck and guidebook.
52 Lists for Happiness
Regular price $16.95 Save $-16.95Following her runaway hit The 52 Lists Project, social media maven Moorea Seal’s bestselling 52 Lists for Happiness will inspire existing fans and new journal readers to cultivate their own uniquely happy and fulfilling lives through the power of lists! Drawing on happiness research and her own personal philosophy, Moorea Seal creates an inspiring tool for list lovers everywhere to discover the keys to their own unique happiness and bring more joy and balance into their lives. This beautiful, undated hardcover journal with 52 listing prompts encourages readers to reflect, acknowledge, and invest in themselves, and ultimately transform their lives by figuring out exactly what makes them happy. Like Seal’s The 52 Lists Project, this keepsake journal comes in a luxurious package full of lush photography, charming illustrations, copper foil, and a lush red velvet ribbon.
Bring Your Whole Self to Work
Regular price $26.99 Save $-26.99The Pocket Dalai Lama
Regular price $7.95 Save $-7.95How to Change Your Mind
Regular price $28.00 Save $-28.00A brilliant and brave investigation into the medical and scientific revolution taking place around psychedelic drugs–and the spellbinding story of his own life-changing psychedelic experiences When Michael Pollan set out to research how LSD and psilocybin (the active ingredient in magic mushrooms) are being used to provide relief to people suffering from difficult-to-treat conditions such as depression, addiction and anxiety, he did not intend to write what is undoubtedly his most personal book. But upon discovering how these remarkable substances are improving the lives not only of the mentally ill but also of healthy people coming to grips with the challenges of everyday life, he decided to explore the landscape of the mind in the first person as well as the third. Thus began a singular adventure into various altered states of consciousness, along with a dive deep into both the latest brain science and the thriving underground community of psychedelic therapists. Pollan sifts the historical record to separate the truth about these mysterious drugs from the myths that have surrounded them since the 1960s, when a handful of psychedelic evangelists inadvertently catalyzed a powerful backlash against what was then a promising field of research. A unique and elegant blend of science, memoir, travel writing, history, and medicine, How to Change Your Mind is a triumph of participatory journalism. By turns dazzling and edifying, it is the gripping account of a journey to an exciting and unexpected new frontier in our understanding of the mind, the self, and our place in the world. The true subject of Pollan’s “mental travelogue” is not just psychedelic drugs but also the eternal puzzle of human consciousness and how, in a world that offers us both suffering and joy, we can do our best to be fully present and find meaning in our lives.
Notes From the Universe Deck
Regular price $21.99 Save $-21.99New York Times best-selling author Mike Dooley is known for bringing the wisdom of the Universe down to earth for his readers in an irrepressibly joyful, wise, and loving form. In this gorgeous 60-card deck, he shares messages that shed inspiring light on the joys and challenges of relationships. Whether you’re looking to find new love, keep your relationship fresh and fulfilling, or tap a deeper source of loving within yourself—or simply understand that you are loved, right now—you can use this deck for insight. Ask a question, choose a card, and see your way more clearly. Always follow your heart, unless it’s been broken, then you must lead it.Back into love,The Universe P.S. Did you know that hearts are never too big to mend, too small to rebound, or too tired to love?
shadowscapes tarot
Regular price $23.99 Save $-23.99Find your inspiration as you leap into a fantastical world of floating mermaids and dancing fairies with this mystical deck based on the Rider-Waite system.
Stephanie Pui-Mun Law's exquisite watercolor artwork blends Asian, Celtic, and fantasy themes inspired by fairy tales, myths, and folklore from cultures worldwide. Also included with this enchanting tarot deck is a pocket-sized booklet with snapshot interpretations of the cards' symbolic meanings by the artist and unique spreads by award-winning tarot expert Barbara Moore.
Living A Life Awareness
Regular price $17.95 Save $-17.95For the first time ever, the Toltec wisdom from the Ruiz family is bound together in a book of Daily Meditations.
Readers are invited on a six-month journey of daily lessons with don Miguel Ruiz Jr. that are designed to inspire, nourish, and enlighten adherents as they travel along the Toltec path.
Drawing on years of apprenticeship under his father and grandmother, don Miguel Ruiz Jr. shares Toltec lessons on Love, Faith, Agreements, and most importantly: Awareness. The purpose of each meditation is to guide readers into a deeper understanding of his or her self, as well as the world in which we live.
In the introduction to the book, don Miguel Ruiz Jr. reminds readers that progress on the Toltec path is not measured by the acquisition of things, status, or even ideas, but rather the complete and total realization that everything in the world is perfect, exactly the way it is at this moment.
Why Smart People Hurt
Regular price $19.95 Save $-19.95Overcome your unique challenges. The challenges smart and creative people encounter—from scientific researchers and genius award winners to bestselling novelists, Broadway actors, high-powered attorneys, and academics—often include anxiety, overthinking, mania, sadness, and despair. In Why Smart People Hurt, natural psychology specialist and creativity coach Dr. Eric Maisel draws on his many years of work with the best and the brightest to pinpoint these often devastating challenges and offer solutions based on the groundbreaking principles and practices of natural psychology.
Find meaningful success. Do you understand what meaning is, what it isn’t, and how to create it? Do you know how to organize your day around meaning investments and meaning opportunities? Are you still searching for meaning after all these years? Many smart people struggle with reaching for or maintaining success because, after all of the work they put into attaining it, it still seems meaningless. In Why Smart people Hurt, Dr. Maisel will teach you how to stop searching for meaning and create it for yourself.
Learn from a truly thought-provoking personal growth book. In Why Smart People Hurt, you will find:
- Evidence that you are not alone in your struggles with living in a world that wasn't built for you or your intelligence
- Logic- and creativity-based strategies to cope with having a brain that goes into overdrive at the drop of a hat
- Questions that will help you create your own personal roadmap to a calm and meaningful life
Mastery of Self - don Miguel Ruiz Jr.
Regular price $15.95 Save $-15.95The ancient Toltecs believed that life as we perceive it is a dream.
We each live in our own personal dream, and all of our dreams come together to make the Dream of the Planet. Problems arise when we forget that the dream is just a dream and fall victim to believing that we have no control over it.
The Mastery of Self takes the Toltec philosophy of the Dream of the Planet and the personal dream and explains how a person can:
- Wake up
- Liberate themselves from illusory beliefs and stories
- Live with authenticity
Once released, we can live as our true, authentic, loving self, not only in solitude and meditation, but in any place—at the grocery store, stuck in traffic, etc.—and in any situation or scenario that confronts us.
witches tarot
Regular price $31.99 Save $-31.99Here, the Hierophant becomes the High Priest, Wheel of Fortune becomes Wheel of the Year, and Judgement becomes Karma.
Based on the traditional Rider-Waite-Smith deck and filled with images that speak to today's magickal practitioner, witchcraft takes center stage in this stunning deck designed by highly respected Witch and Tarot reader Ellen Dugan. Featuring the vibrant artwork of award-winning artist Mark Evans, Witches Tarot is the perfect combination of Tarot and the Craft.
In addition to card descriptions and meanings, Dugan's companion guide features spell-enhancing spreads—such as the Triple Goddess Spread, the Four Elements Spread, and the Wheel of the Year Spread—that you can use in both Tarot readings and magickal practice.
peace a day at time
Regular price $16.95 Save $-16.95Help in staying centered and finding inner peace. Karen Casey’s daily meditation book Peace a Day at a Time offers 365 reminders to help strengthen those traveling the path to recovery from addiction. In this powerful set of daily reminders, Karen draws from her bestselling Each Day a New Beginning, which has helped millions recovering from addiction.
Grow stronger every day with this classic meditation-a-day book. Karen Casey's daily meditation books have guided millions through their recovery and their daily lives, providing serenity and a happier more peaceful life. She has written eloquently about almost every facet of recovery and how to live a sober, balanced life by trying to live in the present, one day at a time. Peace a Day at a Time offers a meditation for every day of the year, opening with a quote and following with a brief essay and a takeaway message. This beautiful book is your powerful set of daily reminders on how to stay centered and find inner peace. Karen also provides a companion index with key theme words to reference any issue you may be struggling with.
In Peace a Day at a Time learn to:
- Pay attention and listening to your inner voice
- Avoid drama and to let go of blame
- Stop living from crisis to crisis
- Cope with fear, sorrow, anger, and pain
- Embrace change
- Practice kindness, joy, hope, and acceptance
anger-thich nhat hanh
Regular price $18.00 Save $-18.00“[Thich Nhat Hanh] shows us the connection between personal, inner peace and peace on earth.” –His Holiness The Dalai Lama Nominated by Martin Luther King, Jr. for a Nobel Peace Prize, Thich Nhat Hanh is one of today’s leading sources of wisdom, peace, compassion and comfort. It was under the bodhi tree in India twenty-five centuries ago that Buddha achieved the insight that three states of mind were the source of all our unhappiness: wrong knowing, obsessive desire, and anger. All are difficult, but in one instant of anger—one of the most powerful emotions—lives can be ruined, and health and spiritual development can be destroyed. With exquisite simplicity, Buddhist monk and Vietnam refugee Thich Nhat Hanh gives tools and advice for transforming relationships, focusing energy, and rejuvenating those parts of ourselves that have been laid waste by anger. His extraordinary wisdom can transform your life and the lives of the people you love, and in the words of Thich Nhat Hanh, can give each reader the power “to change everything.”
the good tarot
Regular price $26.99 Save $-26.99When Colette Baron-Reid first began doing professional readings almost 30 years ago, she used the traditional tarot as a source of intuitive guidance. Now she has taken the classical form and given it a modern twist, with suits and meanings that are focused on transformation and personal growth.Grounded in a divination system that dates back centuries, The Good Tarot has a psychic architecture that’s more simple and modern, rooted in contemporary positive psychology and aimed at the expression of the highest good for all. The 78 cards in the deck are read as archetypal aspects of the human experience that we may encounter within ourselves, with others, or in the world. The suits in The Good Tarotare the four elements, with Air standing in for the traditional Swords, Water replacing Cups, Earth for Pentacles, and for Wands, Fire. A crucial difference from traditional decks is that the cards’ messages are all written as positive affirmations in the present tense, rather than forecasts, instructions, or warnings. Those who use the cards in the suggested way can integrate their energy immediately and personally.Even so, traditional tarot enthusiasts can still apply their favorite spreads to this deck as its formation doesn’t stray too far from what is already familiar, and the breathtaking original artwork will be sure to inspire.”Everyone wants guidance during times of uncertainty, a light shining in the dark,” Colette writes. “The Good Tarotis especially helpful when you feel lost, want confirmation about a direction you’re heading in, are concerned about the results of choices you’ve made, or seek greater understanding of your circumstances. It’s about recognizing the many forms of truth and seeing the light that accompanies the shadow so you can help the light increase its brilliance.”
Art of Tattoo
Regular price $25.00 Save $-25.00Tattoo artist Megan Massacre presents a beautiful collection of her best work, with instructive how-to and inspiration for both professional tattoo artists as well as tattoo aficionados. With a personal behind-the-scenes peek into the making of a tattoo, from concept to execution, plus fan favorite tattoos and tattoo cover-ups, this approachable, full-color paperback will feature everything Massacre has learned over the years. Part idea sourcebook, part tattoo opus, this is an art book that tattoo fans will be eager to read and display.
gateway oracle cards
Regular price $21.99 Save $-21.99The Gateway Oracle Cards by Denise Linn, founder of the Gateway Dreaming™ Institute, are the keys to unlocking the ancient wisdom within you. They reveal a wondrous realm where you’ll discover what destiny has in store for you and also learn how to give accurate, heartfelt readings to others.This deck and accompanying guidebook help you interpret the signs that are all around you, from your nightly dreams to the coincidences, synchronicities, and symbols in your waking life. The Universe is always whispering to you, and the Gateway Oracle Cards assist you in understanding these secret messages from the realm of Spirit. An enchanted voyage awaits you. The keys through the gateway are in your hands!
Regular price $22.99 Save $-22.99The Numerology Guidance Cards are the ultimate tools of divination, providing clarity and insight to assist you on your path. When you’re in need of answers, direction, inspiration, and hope, these cards will bridge the gap between your inner wisdom and the “universal wisdom of All That Is” through the ancient energy of numbers. Based on your current thoughts and behaviors, the Numerology Guidance Cards will reveal your future potential and uncover any conscious or subconscious blocks that are impeding the manifestation of your goals. Once these blocks have been identified and removed, you can begin to improve your life and actualize your dreams. Each of the 44 cards in this deck contains specific numbers, colors, and words that assist in raising your energy vibration—plus the ancient “Merkaba” and “Flower of Life” symbols to facilitate your spiritual growth. The accompanying guidebook offers additional information to aid you in interpreting your readings. Numerologist Michelle Buchanan didn’t design these cards to “predict” your future—but rather to help you create the one you desire!
Regular price $15.99 Save $-15.99“Uncharted is a smoking hot Harley ride through the wonders of your soul’s journey.” — Christiane Northrup, M.D., New York Times best-selling author of Goddesses Never AgeWhere are we going? How will we get there? In a world of uncertainty, most of us don’t really know. Our challenge is to sail into uncharted waters—away from the familiar ways that don’t work anymore—to discover ourselves and the infinite potential for our lives. It’s in these as-yet-undiscovered places within us that we come to recognize what we can be and what we can co-create with Spirit. If we try to create guided only by the old, familiar map of our lives, what we create won’t be authentic to who we are becoming; we’ll just be doing the same thing over and over. As intuitive counselor and “spiritual cartographer” Colette Baron-Reid explains, we need a different kind of map—not one that tells us where we’ve been, but one we fill in as each new experience changes us into who we need to be to live our destiny. This new map is a map of the soul. In Uncharted, you’ll learn to draw your own map of the soul as Colette guides you on an inward journey through five interconnected realms. First you’ll get oriented in the Realm of Spirit, your “home” that connects the other four. Then you will do the work of self-evolution and co-creation in the Realms of Mind, Light, Energy, and Form. In the Realm of Mind, you experience your consciousness intermingled with that of all Consciousness. In the Realm of Light, you illuminate the darkness and experience transformation as you reclaim lost parts of yourself. In the Realm of Energy, you consciously direct the forces influencing you. In the Realm of Form, you see the results of your self-evolution manifested in the material world. At every step, you learn to harness your personal power and turn fear into possibility as you venture into the undiscovered places where magic happens.
Psychic Tarot for the heart
Regular price $24.99 Save $-24.99The Psychic Tarot for the Heart Oracle Deck, with its accompanying guidebook and 65 beautifully illustrated cards, was created to assist and guide you in matters of the heart, especially the different relationships in your life. Relationships of all kinds are really about you! They will often reflect back what you need to see and the lessons you need to learn. By using this deck and the techniques that psychic medium John Holland imparts, along with the wisdom of the tarot, you’ll begin to understand and look at relationships — past, present, and future — with an intuitive eye. This deck is not just for lovers! These cards will resonate with anyone and add clarity around all types of relationships, including the most important one of all . . . the relationship with your self.
Earth Magic
Regular price $17.99 Save $-17.99In Earth Magic, Steven Farmer offers a unique synthesis of ancient spiritual practices and philosophies that have proven over millennia to help heal the spiritual causes of physical and emotional illnesses, augment personal power, enhance manifestation abilities, and encourage a balanced and harmonious relationship with our Earth. Although the foundation for Earth Magic is universal shamanic wisdom, you don’t need to have an interest in shamanism to benefit from its contents, as it expands beyond this topic to incorporate processes that are useful for all those with the sincere intention to heal themselves, others, and our planet.