- Abalone Shell
- accessories
- affirmation
- affirmation cards
- african turquoise
- agate
- air freshener
- almond
- Alternative Therapies
- amazing grace
- amazonite
- Amber
- amethyst
- ametrine
- ammonite
- Angel
- angelite
- angels
- animals
- anise
- anniversary card
- anniversary gift
- apache tears
- apatite
- aqua aura
- aqua terra
- Aquamarine
- Archangel
- argan
- aromatherapy
- Art
- Ascended Masters and Guides
- Athena
- auralite
- aventurine
- awareness
- azurite
- back flow incense
- backback
- backpack
- backscratcher
- bag attachment
- bags
- balance
- ball
- bamboo
- bangle
- banner
- bar soap
- baseball tee
- bath bomb
- bath melt
- bath soak
- bee
- beechwood
- Bell
- bells
- Bergamot
- Bicycle
- Biography & Memoir
- bird
- birds
- birthday card
- Birthstone
- Black
- black cat
- Black Obsidian
- Black Tourmaline
- blank cards
- bloodstone
- blue amber
- blue aragonite
- Blue Chalcedony
- blue lace agate
- blue onyx
- blue sky jasper
- blue topaz
- blue zircon
- body and spirit
- boho
- boho mug
- boho towel
- books
- botanical jewelry
- botanicals
- bottoms
- bracelet
- brass
- brazilian clay
- Bronze
- brown
- brushed
- bucket bag
- buddha
- buddhism
- business
- butterfly
- butterfly garland
- calendula
- calming
- can cooler
- Candle
- candle holder
- canvas
- cardigan
- cards
- carnelian
- Cascade
- castile soap
- Cat
- Cedarwood
- celestite
- celtic
- ceramic
- Chakra
- chakras
- chamomile
- charcoal
- charoite
- chevron amethyst
- Chip clip
- christianity
- chrysocolla
- chrysoprase
- citrine
- cleansing
- coconut
- coffee
- coin purse
- colored pencils
- colorful glass
- coloring book
- condolence card
- cone
- Confidence
- congratulations card
- cooking methods
- copper
- correspondence cards
- crackle quartz
- Crafts & Hobbies
- cross
- cross body bag
- Crown Chakra
- Crystal
- crystal specimen
- crystals
- Cubic Zirconia
- cuff
- cuff bracelet
- cutting board
- dark brown
- dead sea mud
- dead sea salt
- decocr
- decor
- decoration
- decorative chime
- design
- divination
- dog butt
- dog tag
- dolphin
- Dove's Heart
- dragonfly
- dragons blood
- dragonstone
- Dream
- Dream Catcher
- dreams
- dress
- druzy
- earrings
- Earth
- Earth Worriors
- eastern religions
- Egyptian Musk
- elephant
- emerald
- Emperor
- Enchanted Forest
- energy clearing
- essential oil
- eternal rose
- eternity rose
- Eucalyptus
- evil eye
- face mask
- Fairy
- fall fashions
- family
- fashion
- feather
- female history
- female power
- feng shui
- Figruine
- figurine
- fire agate
- firefly
- Fisherman
- flamingo
- fluorite
- forever rose
- fossil
- fox
- fragrance
- fragrance oil
- Frank and Myrrh
- frankincense
- fregrance
- french green clay
- French Lavender
- Friendship
- frog
- funny
- furry bones
- Furrybones
- gag gift
- Gaia
- Games
- Ganesha
- garland
- garnet
- Gaspéite
- gemstone
- gemstone bracelet
- generations
- gift
- gift bags
- gifts
- glass beads
- glittens
- goat
- gold
- gold dipped rose
- goldstone
- Gong
- good luck
- graditude
- grand
- green goldstone
- Green Tourmaline
- gregorian alto
- Guardian
- Guardian Angel
- guidance
- guidence
- guitar
- haitian metal
- half
- half bloom rose
- hammered
- hamsa
- hamsa hand
- handmade
- handwarmer
- Haniel
- hat
- headbands
- healing
- healing hand
- health
- Health & Fitness
- heart
- hematite
- henna
- herbal
- herbs
- hiddenite
- himalayan salt
- historical fiction
- horse
- Horus
- hourglass
- Housewarming
- housewarming card
- howlite
- Human Anatomy
- Ice
- icicle
- incense
- incense cone
- incense holder
- india temple
- infinity
- infinity headband
- Inspiration & Motivation
- inspirational
- iolite
- jacket
- jade
- Japanese
- Jasmine
- Jasper
- jean
- jewelry
- jizo
- journal
- journals
- jumpsuit
- jute
- karma
- keychains
- kimono
- knits
- Kuan Yin
- kunzite
- kyanite
- labradorite
- lantern
- lapis
- large
- large bag
- larimar
- lava
- lava rock
- lava stone
- lavendar
- lavender
- leggings
- Lemon
- lemon chrysocolla
- Lemongrass
- Lenormand Cards
- leopard skin jasper
- lepidolite
- letters
- literary fiction
- locket
- lolite
- long sleeve
- Lori Mitchell
- lotus
- love
- low smoke
- luck card
- made in Bali
- made in Canada
- made in china
- made in India
- made in Indonesia
- made in Morocco
- made in Nepal
- made in Turkey
- magick
- magnet
- magnetic
- magnetoc
- malachite
- Malas
- mandala
- marcasite
- marriage
- marriage card
- masks
- massage
- matryoshka
- mediation
- mediative hands
- medicine
- meditation
- mediu m
- medium
- medium bag
- mens gifts
- mermaid
- messenger bag
- Metal Art
- metal bells
- metal chime
- mexican onyx
- military tent
- mind
- mindfullness
- mindfulness
- Mist
- misticks
- monk
- Monkey
- moodstar
- mookaite
- moon and stars
- moonlight
- Moonstone
- morganite
- morocco clay
- mortar & pestle
- mother of pearl
- mothers
- mothers day
- mudra
- Mug
- myrrh
- nag champa
- namaste
- Native American
- necklace
- nesting dolls
- new baby card
- Nonfiction
- Numerology
- obsidian
- ocean agate
- ocean jasper
- octagon
- onyx
- opal
- opalite
- Oracle Cards
- ornament
- oven mitt
- overalls
- pachelbel
- palo santo
- pants
- party
- past lives
- Patch
- patchouli
- patchouly
- Paua
- peace
- Peacock
- pearl
- pebble
- pendant
- peppermint
- Perfume
- peridot
- Personal Growth
- peruvian blue opal
- pets
- Philosophy
- pin
- pink mangano calcite
- pink opal
- pink tourmaline
- pistachio calcite
- Pluto
- poetry
- polished
- poncho
- poster
- pouch
- prayer
- Prayer Beads
- prayer flag
- prehnite
- prosperity hen
- protection
- Psychology
- purple
- Purpleheart
- purse
- pyrite
- quartz
- Rainbow
- Rainbow Maker
- rainbow moonstone
- Raven
- recycled material
- red jasper
- Reiki
- relaxation
- Religion
- rhodonite
- rhyolite
- rice bag
- ring
- Root
- Rose
- rose quartz
- Rosemary
- ruby
- ruby fuschite
- ruby zoisite
- rudraksha
- Sacral
- sage
- sage spray
- sandalwood
- sapphire
- sari/sarong
- Science
- scolecite
- scrunchie set
- Seal
- sedona red jasper
- selenite
- selenite lamp
- self help
- self love
- self-improvement
- sentiment
- serpentine
- serving spoons
- seven metals
- Shamanic
- shattuckite
- short sleeve
- shorts
- shungite
- Shunya Mudra
- Silver
- singing bowl
- Skeleton
- skirt
- sleep
- small
- small bag
- small bags
- smoky quartz
- smudge
- smudge feather
- smudging
- snowflake obsidian
- socks
- sodalite
- Solar Plexus
- solo bell
- spirit animal
- spiritual
- spiritual fiction
- St. Francis
- stationary
- stationery
- statue
- sterling silver
- stocking stuffer
- stone set
- Straw
- stress-relief
- suncatcher
- sunstone
- super hit
- super seven
- support card
- swarovski
- sweatshirt
- sweetgrass
- tabletop
- tan
- tangerine quartz
- tank top
- tanzanite
- tapestry
- tarot
- tarot cards
- Tea
- tea light holder
- tee
- tektite
- thank you card
- therapy balls
- thin
- Third Eye
- Throat Chakra
- tibetan prayer flag
- tiger's eye
- tin box
- tingsha
- tiny bag
- titanium
- topaz
- tops
- Tote
- tourmaline
- towels
- travel
- travel bag
- travel mug
- tray
- Tree
- Tree of life
- Trees
- tumbled stone
- tunic
- turkey
- turquoise
- unakite
- unicorn
- US Map
- valentines day
- vanilla
- Verdigris
- votive holder
- wall hanging
- wealth
- wedding favors
- wellness
- white
- white sage
- Wicca
- wide
- Willow Tree
- wind chime
- winter fashions
- wisdom
- witch
- witchcraft
- wolf
- women's empowerment
- womens gift
- wrap bracelet
- x-large
- yoga
- yoga top
- yoga wear
- Abalone Shell
- accessories
- affirmation
- affirmation cards
- african turquoise
- agate
- air freshener
- almond
- Alternative Therapies
- amazing grace
- amazonite
- Amber
- amethyst
- ametrine
- ammonite
- Angel
- angelite
- angels
- animals
- anise
- anniversary card
- anniversary gift
- apache tears
- apatite
- aqua aura
- aqua terra
- Aquamarine
- Archangel
- argan
- aromatherapy
- Art
- Ascended Masters and Guides
- Athena
- auralite
- aventurine
- awareness
- azurite
- back flow incense
- backback
- backpack
- backscratcher
- bag attachment
- bags
- balance
- ball
- bamboo
- bangle
- banner
- bar soap
- baseball tee
- bath bomb
- bath melt
- bath soak
- bee
- beechwood
- Bell
- bells
- Bergamot
- Bicycle
- Biography & Memoir
- bird
- birds
- birthday card
- Birthstone
- Black
- black cat
- Black Obsidian
- Black Tourmaline
- blank cards
- bloodstone
- blue amber
- blue aragonite
- Blue Chalcedony
- blue lace agate
- blue onyx
- blue sky jasper
- blue topaz
- blue zircon
- body and spirit
- boho
- boho mug
- boho towel
- books
- botanical jewelry
- botanicals
- bottoms
- bracelet
- brass
- brazilian clay
- Bronze
- brown
- brushed
- bucket bag
- buddha
- buddhism
- business
- butterfly
- butterfly garland
- calendula
- calming
- can cooler
- Candle
- candle holder
- canvas
- cardigan
- cards
- carnelian
- Cascade
- castile soap
- Cat
- Cedarwood
- celestite
- celtic
- ceramic
- Chakra
- chakras
- chamomile
- charcoal
- charoite
- chevron amethyst
- Chip clip
- christianity
- chrysocolla
- chrysoprase
- citrine
- cleansing
- coconut
- coffee
- coin purse
- colored pencils
- colorful glass
- coloring book
- condolence card
- cone
- Confidence
- congratulations card
- cooking methods
- copper
- correspondence cards
- crackle quartz
- Crafts & Hobbies
- cross
- cross body bag
- Crown Chakra
- Crystal
- crystal specimen
- crystals
- Cubic Zirconia
- cuff
- cuff bracelet
- cutting board
- dark brown
- dead sea mud
- dead sea salt
- decocr
- decor
- decoration
- decorative chime
- design
- divination
- dog butt
- dog tag
- dolphin
- Dove's Heart
- dragonfly
- dragons blood
- dragonstone
- Dream
- Dream Catcher
- dreams
- dress
- druzy
- earrings
- Earth
- Earth Worriors
- eastern religions
- Egyptian Musk
- elephant
- emerald
- Emperor
- Enchanted Forest
- energy clearing
- essential oil
- eternal rose
- eternity rose
- Eucalyptus
- evil eye
- face mask
- Fairy
- fall fashions
- family
- fashion
- feather
- female history
- female power
- feng shui
- Figruine
- figurine
- fire agate
- firefly
- Fisherman
- flamingo
- fluorite
- forever rose
- fossil
- fox
- fragrance
- fragrance oil
- Frank and Myrrh
- frankincense
- fregrance
- french green clay
- French Lavender
- Friendship
- frog
- funny
- furry bones
- Furrybones
- gag gift
- Gaia
- Games
- Ganesha
- garland
- garnet
- Gaspéite
- gemstone
- gemstone bracelet
- generations
- gift
- gift bags
- gifts
- glass beads
- glittens
- goat
- gold
- gold dipped rose
- goldstone
- Gong
- good luck
- graditude
- grand
- green goldstone
- Green Tourmaline
- gregorian alto
- Guardian
- Guardian Angel
- guidance
- guidence
- guitar
- haitian metal
- half
- half bloom rose
- hammered
- hamsa
- hamsa hand
- handmade
- handwarmer
- Haniel
- hat
- headbands
- healing
- healing hand
- health
- Health & Fitness
- heart
- hematite
- henna
- herbal
- herbs
- hiddenite
- himalayan salt
- historical fiction
- horse
- Horus
- hourglass
- Housewarming
- housewarming card
- howlite
- Human Anatomy
- Ice
- icicle
- incense
- incense cone
- incense holder
- india temple
- infinity
- infinity headband
- Inspiration & Motivation
- inspirational
- iolite
- jacket
- jade
- Japanese
- Jasmine
- Jasper
- jean
- jewelry
- jizo
- journal
- journals
- jumpsuit
- jute
- karma
- keychains
- kimono
- knits
- Kuan Yin
- kunzite
- kyanite
- labradorite
- lantern
- lapis
- large
- large bag
- larimar
- lava
- lava rock
- lava stone
- lavendar
- lavender
- leggings
- Lemon
- lemon chrysocolla
- Lemongrass
- Lenormand Cards
- leopard skin jasper
- lepidolite
- letters
- literary fiction
- locket
- lolite
- long sleeve
- Lori Mitchell
- lotus
- love
- low smoke
- luck card
- made in Bali
- made in Canada
- made in china
- made in India
- made in Indonesia
- made in Morocco
- made in Nepal
- made in Turkey
- magick
- magnet
- magnetic
- magnetoc
- malachite
- Malas
- mandala
- marcasite
- marriage
- marriage card
- masks
- massage
- matryoshka
- mediation
- mediative hands
- medicine
- meditation
- mediu m
- medium
- medium bag
- mens gifts
- mermaid
- messenger bag
- Metal Art
- metal bells
- metal chime
- mexican onyx
- military tent
- mind
- mindfullness
- mindfulness
- Mist
- misticks
- monk
- Monkey
- moodstar
- mookaite
- moon and stars
- moonlight
- Moonstone
- morganite
- morocco clay
- mortar & pestle
- mother of pearl
- mothers
- mothers day
- mudra
- Mug
- myrrh
- nag champa
- namaste
- Native American
- necklace
- nesting dolls
- new baby card
- Nonfiction
- Numerology
- obsidian
- ocean agate
- ocean jasper
- octagon
- onyx
- opal
- opalite
- Oracle Cards
- ornament
- oven mitt
- overalls
- pachelbel
- palo santo
- pants
- party
- past lives
- Patch
- patchouli
- patchouly
- Paua
- peace
- Peacock
- pearl
- pebble
- pendant
- peppermint
- Perfume
- peridot
- Personal Growth
- peruvian blue opal
- pets
- Philosophy
- pin
- pink mangano calcite
- pink opal
- pink tourmaline
- pistachio calcite
- Pluto
- poetry
- polished
- poncho
- poster
- pouch
- prayer
- Prayer Beads
- prayer flag
- prehnite
- prosperity hen
- protection
- Psychology
- purple
- Purpleheart
- purse
- pyrite
- quartz
- Rainbow
- Rainbow Maker
- rainbow moonstone
- Raven
- recycled material
- red jasper
- Reiki
- relaxation
- Religion
- rhodonite
- rhyolite
- rice bag
- ring
- Root
- Rose
- rose quartz
- Rosemary
- ruby
- ruby fuschite
- ruby zoisite
- rudraksha
- Sacral
- sage
- sage spray
- sandalwood
- sapphire
- sari/sarong
- Science
- scolecite
- scrunchie set
- Seal
- sedona red jasper
- selenite
- selenite lamp
- self help
- self love
- self-improvement
- sentiment
- serpentine
- serving spoons
- seven metals
- Shamanic
- shattuckite
- short sleeve
- shorts
- shungite
- Shunya Mudra
- Silver
- singing bowl
- Skeleton
- skirt
- sleep
- small
- small bag
- small bags
- smoky quartz
- smudge
- smudge feather
- smudging
- snowflake obsidian
- socks
- sodalite
- Solar Plexus
- solo bell
- spirit animal
- spiritual
- spiritual fiction
- St. Francis
- stationary
- stationery
- statue
- sterling silver
- stocking stuffer
- stone set
- Straw
- stress-relief
- suncatcher
- sunstone
- super hit
- super seven
- support card
- swarovski
- sweatshirt
- sweetgrass
- tabletop
- tan
- tangerine quartz
- tank top
- tanzanite
- tapestry
- tarot
- tarot cards
- Tea
- tea light holder
- tee
- tektite
- thank you card
- therapy balls
- thin
- Third Eye
- Throat Chakra
- tibetan prayer flag
- tiger's eye
- tin box
- tingsha
- tiny bag
- titanium
- topaz
- tops
- Tote
- tourmaline
- towels
- travel
- travel bag
- travel mug
- tray
- Tree
- Tree of life
- Trees
- tumbled stone
- tunic
- turkey
- turquoise
- unakite
- unicorn
- US Map
- valentines day
- vanilla
- Verdigris
- votive holder
- wall hanging
- wealth
- wedding favors
- wellness
- white
- white sage
- Wicca
- wide
- Willow Tree
- wind chime
- winter fashions
- wisdom
- witch
- witchcraft
- wolf
- women's empowerment
- womens gift
- wrap bracelet
- x-large
- yoga
- yoga top
- yoga wear
2266 products
Opalite Pendant
Regular price $23.99 Save $-23.99Opalite pendant comes in a 18" silver plated chain
01070 glass votive
Regular price $3.99 Save $-3.99Sterling Silver Green Mother of Pearl Heart Dangle Earrings
Regular price $33.99 Save $-33.99A romantic style for any day of the week. These elegant floating hearts will hang gracefully from your ears, in your selection of Pink Shell, Purple Turquoise, Green Mother of Pearl.
- Certified .925 fine sterling silver
- Ethically - made by hand by artisans in Bangkok, Thailand
- Made with mine-free, recycled silver from the USA
- The jewelry is nontoxic, nickel-free
Sterling Silver Crescent Moon Necklace
Regular price $48.00 Save $-48.00Representing the lunar phase in the first quarter, the crescent moon necklace is a delicate motif with a deeply spiritual meaning. A popular symbol among many cultures and religions, the crescent moon is an emblem of mystery and balance. This sterling silver necklace is the perfect everyday piece, blending on-trend minimalism with ancient significance.
- Certified .925 fine sterling silver
- Ethically-made by hand by artisans in Bangkok, Thailand
- Made with mine-free, recycled silver from the USA
- The jewelry is nontoxic, nickel-free
- Chain length: 18"
Sterling Silver Sunflower Necklace
Regular price $42.99 Save $-42.99This sweet sunflower necklace will remind you of lovely warm summer days, happiness and sweet smile. Sunflower is such a wonderful symbol that combines lovely appearance and positive spirit.
Great gift for someone who needs support or just a small reminder of beautiful life.
- Certified .925 fine sterling silver
- Ethically-made by hand by artisans in Bangkok, Thailand
- Made with mine-free, recycled silver from the USA
- The jewelry is nontoxic, nickel-free
- Chain length: 18"
Lapis Sterling Silver Earrings
Regular price $59.99 Save $-59.99These lapis earrings are simple, stylish, and perfect for everyday wear. Lapis is said to promote self-awareness and open the mind to all possibilities.
- Certified .925 fine sterling silver
- Ethically-made by hand by artisans in Bangkok, Thailand
- Made with mine-free, recycled silver from the USA
- The jewelry is nontoxic, nickel-free
Purple Sterling Silver Bird Post Earrings
Regular price $26.99 Save $-26.99A perfect accessory for a bird lover, these stud earrings are handcrafted from sterling silver in the shape of tiny birds with a big purple turquoise heart.
These little bird earrings will add a dose of cheer every time you wear them.
- Certified .925 fine sterling silver
- Ethically - made by hand by artisans in Bangkok, Thailand
- Made with mine-free, recycled silver from the USA
- The jewelry is nontoxic, nickel-free
Sterling Silver Round Stud Earrings - Cubic Zirconia
Regular price $36.99 Save $-36.99Simple, elegant, and easy to wear, these cubic zirconia stud earrings are the perfect gift. With high quality sterling silver and gorgeous cubic zirconia stones, these earrings make a clean statement of style. The posts are sterling, so they are nickel-free and hypoallergenic.
Cubic zirconia is believed to improve focus, increase clarity. This stone is called "the stone of practicality".
- Certified .925 fine sterling silver
- Ethically - made by hand by artisans in Bangkok, Thailand
- Made with mine-free, recycled silver from the USA
- The jewelry is nontoxic, nickel-free
Pear Gemstone Necklace
Regular price $174.00 Save $-174.00Possess purple power with this mesmerizing amethyst necklace.
Amethyst is used for inspiration and intuition. It is associated with prosperity and protection.
Makes a perfect gift for the purple lover in your life. Wear it solo or use it as the base for a bright layered look.
- Certified .925 fine sterling silver
- Ethically-made by hand by artisans in Bangkok, Thailand
- Made with mine-free, recycled silver from the USA
- The jewelry is nontoxic, nickel-free
- Chain length: 18" with 2” extender
Sterling Silver Cubic Zirconia Stud Earrings Facets
Regular price $29.99 Save $-29.99Simple, elegant, and easy to wear, these cubic zirconia stud earrings are the perfect gift. With high quality sterling silver and gorgeous cubic zirconia stones, these earrings make a clean statement of style. The posts are sterling, so they are nickel-free and hypoallergenic.
Cubic zirconia is believed to improve focus, increase clarity. This stone is called "the stone of practicality".
- Certified .925 fine sterling silver
- Ethically - made by hand by artisans in Bangkok, Thailand
- Made with mine-free, recycled silver from the USA
- The jewelry is nontoxic, nickel-free
Sterling Silver Origami Elephant Stud Earrings
Regular price $19.99 Save $-19.99This sacred symbol is as charming as it is meaningful. These cute sterling silver elephant post earrings are super tiny and present a very stylish and dainty design.
Elephants shown with an upturned trunk are known to represent good luck. The main characteristics of the elephant are strength and steadfastness. Therefore, it became a symbol of physical and mental strength as well as responsibility and earthiness.
You can wear these adorable Sterling Silver elephants post earrings with any outfit for a bit of good luck!
- Certified .925 fine sterling silver
- Ethically - made by hand by artisans in Bangkok, Thailand
- Made with mine-free, recycled silver from the USA
- The jewelry is nontoxic, nickel-free
Sterling Silver Amethyst Stud Earrings
Regular price $42.99 Save $-42.99Simple, elegant, and easy to wear, these amethyst stud earrings are the perfect gift. With high quality sterling silver and gorgeous amethyst stones, these earrings make a clean statement of style. The posts are sterling, so they are nickel-free and hypoallergenic.
Amethyst has been used to symbolize deep love, happiness, humility, sincerity and wealth.
- Certified .925 fine sterling silver
- Ethically - made by hand by artisans in Bangkok, Thailand
- Made with mine-free, recycled silver from the USA
- The jewelry is nontoxic, nickel-free
Sterling Silver Marcasite Stone Star and Moon Stud Earrings
Regular price $21.99 Save $-21.99The sky is the limit when you step out wearing these beautiful contemporary designed Star and Moon studs. It has a lot to offer when you are looking to spruce up your style and add to your collection. Carefully hand set in a quality 925 Sterling Silver, these stunning earrings shine brightly like the evening stars and moon in the sky, drawing attention to your fashion sense by dazzling with pave set marcasite stones. Once in a while, you come across a pair of earrings that are out of this world and you need to reach for the stars and a moon and grab them for yourself.
- Certified .925 fine sterling silver
- Ethically - made by hand by artisans in Bangkok, Thailand
- Made with mine-free, recycled silver from the USA
- The jewelry is nontoxic, nickel-free
Blue Mother of Pearl Sterling Silver Moon Stud Earrings
Regular price $26.99 Save $-26.99A cute pair earrings with a blue Mother of Pearl over layer capture the tranquility of a quiet night.
Mother of Pearl is said to be a stone of protection and typically associated with the moon, water elements and the emotions; Mother of Pearl is said to aid in the creation of greater harmony and balance in the realm of the emotions.
- Certified .925 fine sterling silver
- Ethically - made by hand by artisans in Bangkok, Thailand
- Made with mine-free, recycled silver from the USA
- The jewelry is nontoxic, nickel-free
Sterling Silver Hoop Earrings
Regular price $21.99 Save $-21.99These simple sterling silver hoop earrings pairs well with casual or formal outfits. These earrings are completed by saddleback clasps.
- Certified .925 fine sterling silver
- Ethically-made by hand by artisans in Bangkok, Thailand
- Made with mine-free, recycled silver from the USA
- The jewelry is nontoxic, nickel-free
x`Midnight Wire Earrings
Regular price $176.99 Save $-176.99This unique collection of botanical jewelry captures the beauty and exquisite detail of nature and inspired by moonlight cast on pebble. Each piece is hand crafted and cast from the actual plant, using a technique similar to lost-wax casting.
Handmade in New York
Materials: Cast in sterling silver with 24k gold finish. Highlighted in peacock keshi pearls with amethyst beads.
Measurements: 1.25" x .25", sterling silver ear withe with 24k gold finish
Sterling Silver Round Stud Earrings - Amethyst
Regular price $36.99 Save $-36.99This pair of stud earrings from Thailand features two petite stones of amethyst with sparkling purple hues.
By wearing Amethyst, you become more in tune with your own spirituality and get to know your inner self on a much deeper level.
- Certified .925 fine sterling silver
- Ethically-made by hand by artisans in Bangkok, Thailand
- Made with mine-free, recycled silver from the USA
- The jewelry is nontoxic, nickel-free
Feather Earring - Long
Regular price $99.99 Save $-99.99This unique collection of botanical jewelry captures the beauty and exquisite detail of nature using soft patinas on bronze accented with pearls, beads and semi-precious stones. Each piece is hand crafted and cast from the actual plant, using a technique similar to lost-wax casting.
Handmade in New York
"Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all"
- Emily Dickinson
Materials: The Feather earrings are cast in bronze with a silver finish. The wires are 925 silver.
Measures: 2.56" L x 0.6" W
Sterling Silver Matte Father Stud Earrings
Regular price $21.99 Save $-21.99- Certified .925 fine sterling silver
- Ethically-made by hand by artisans in Bangkok, Thailand
- Made with mine-free, recycled silver from the USA
- The jewelry is nontoxic, nickel-free
india temple 60gm incense 72142
Regular price $6.99 Save $-6.99Song of India Temple Incense fills your home with the most beautiful fragrance you can imagine! Each stick is rolled by hand in India - Hand made from Sandalwood powder, aromatic roots, resins and herbs with natural flower oils. The mystic aroma smells like temples in India.
Each pack is approximately 60 grams.
3 pack mini sage (73701)
Regular price $12.99 Save $-12.99This smudge stick is made of 100% natural aromatic botanicals. This sage is wildcrafted in a sustainable way. The art of smudging has a long tradition in many cultures. Used to cleanse, protect or heal, the herbs in smudge have beneficial properties and help reconnecting with the power of Mother Earth
Each stick is approximately 3-4 inches long.
Iron Dragonfly Bell
Regular price $35.99 Save $-35.99The beautiful tappered shaped chime of drift pieces strung with Aura wood beads, stone and 4 copper bell has been hand crafted by Indian artisans. The bell is made from upcycled metal and heat treated to obtain unique antiquated look. Each bell is tuned by hand to perfection. The chimes can be placed on a wall, window, door or ceiling to add a touch of a bygone era to your decor. In addition to looking just amazing, you’ll immediately get a sense of peace and serenity as these chimes sing. Combine several to get an even more amazing and customized look. The look and sound of string bells has an unbelievable calming effect on everyone who is around them.
Due to the handmade nature of the material used in this product, expect slight variations in colors and size. The price indicated is for a single strand.
Approximately 18-inches long.
Bell with Umbrella Top
Regular price $24.99 Save $-24.99The beautiful multi bell chime with copper bells has been hand crafted by Indian artisans. The bell is made from upcycled metal and heat treated to obtain unique antiquated look. Each bell is tuned by hand to perfection. The chimes can be placed on a wall, window, door or ceiling to add a touch of a bygone era to your decor. In addition to looking just amazing, you’ll immediately get a sense of peace and serenity as these chimes sing. Combine several to get an even more amazing and customized look. The look and sound of string bells has an unbelievable calming effect on everyone who is around them.
Due to the handmade nature of the material used in this product, expect slight variations in colors and size. The price indicated is for a single strand.
Approximately 12-inches long.
multicolored glass beads with bell
Regular price $43.99 Save $-43.99This beautiful single strand of multi colored heart shaped glass beads with copper bells has been hand crafted by Indian artisans. The bell is made from upcycled metal and heat treated to obtain unique antiquated look. Each bell is tuned by hand to perfection. The chimes can be placed on a wall, window, door or ceiling to add a touch of a bygone era to your decor. In addition to looking just amazing, you’ll immediately get a sense of peace and serenity as these chimes sing. Combine several to get an even more amazing and customized look. The look and sound of string bells has an unbelievable calming effect on everyone who is around them.
Due to the handmade nature of the material used in this product, expect slight variations in colors and size. The price indicated is for a single strand.
Approximately 25-inches long.
Regular price $79.99 Sale price $69.99 Save $10.00The rose is a classic symbol of love and natural beauty. This eternal gold-dipped rose is picked before full boom, glazed in lacquer and trimmed with authentic 24-karat gold. The rose has a beautiful finish and each rose is hand crafted and unique. They are designed to last forever.
Due to the unique natural rose material and hand made process, each rose has slight variations in size, color and finish. Such imperfections add to the authenticity of this unique gift.
Perfect gift for Valentines Day, Mothers Day, Birthdays, Anniversary, and Wedding favors. Our regular customers buy a new color for each anniversary and create a "Forever Bouquet of Gold Dipped Roses"
Stem is approximately 12-inches
Regular price $79.99 Sale price $69.99 Save $10.00The rose is a classic symbol of love and natural beauty. This eternal gold-dipped rose is picked before full boom, glazed in lacquer and trimmed with authentic 24-karat gold. The rose has a beautiful finish and each rose is hand crafted and unique. They are designed to last forever.
Due to the unique natural rose material and hand made process, each rose has slight variations in size, color and finish. Such imperfections add to the authenticity of this unique gift.
Perfect gift for Valentines Day, Mothers Day, Birthdays, Anniversary, and Wedding favors. Our regular customers buy a gift a new color for each anniversary and create a "Forever Bouquet of Gold Dipped Roses"
Stem is approximately 12-inches
GDRG gold dipped rose gold
Regular price $89.99 Sale price $69.99 Save $20.00The rose is a classic symbol of love and natural beauty. This eternal gold-dipped rose is picked at full boom and fully dipped in 24-karat gold. The rose has a beautiful finish and each rose is hand crafted and unique. They are designed to last forever.
Due to the unique natural rose material and hand made process, each rose has slight variations in size, color and finish. Such imperfections add to the authenticity of this unique gift.
Perfect gift for Valentines Day, Mothers Day, Birthdays, Anniversary, and Wedding favors. Our regular customers buy a gift a new color for each anniversary and create a "Forever Bouquet of Gold Dipped Roses"
Stem is approximately 12-inches
Multicolored Mosaic Crystal Bracelet
Regular price $236.00 Save $-236.00This artisan jewelry is made entirely by hand and using materials of Austrian Swarovski crystals, Japanese and Czech glass beads, brass and German silver wire. The artisans are from Guatemala and they specialize in creating jewelry with a mosaic of colors and meticulous workmanship. The designs are bright and whimsical, and sparkle with Swarovski crystals.
- Bracelet is 7"
- Metal findings are antiqued brass or brass that is silver plated and antiqued.
- Hypoallergenic
Striped Hearts with Wood Bead
Regular price $45.00 Save $-45.00The beautiful heart shaped piece is strung with Aura wood beads and a copper bell has been hand crafted by Indian artisans. The bell is made from upcycled metal and heat treated to obtain unique antiquated look. Each bell is tuned by hand to perfection. The chimes can be placed on a wall, window, door or ceiling to add a touch of a bygone era to your decor. In addition to looking just amazing, you’ll immediately get a sense of peace and serenity as these chimes sing. Combine several to get an even more amazing and customized look. The look and sound of string bells has an unbelievable calming effect on everyone who is around them.
Due to the handmade nature of the material used in this product, expect slight variations in colors and size. The price indicated is for a single strand.
Approximately 18-inches long.
Colorful Glass Beads and Bell
Regular price $36.99 Save $-36.99These beautiful colorful and vibrant Aura glass beads and copper bell is hand crafted by Indian artisans. The bell is made from upcycled metal and heat treated to obtain unique antiquated look. Each bell is tuned by hand to perfection. The chimes can be placed on a wall, window, door or ceiling to add a touch of a bygone era to your decor. In addition to looking just amazing, you’ll immediately get a sense of peace and serenity as these chimes sing. Combine several to get an even more amazing and customized look. The look and sound of string bells has an unbelievable calming effect on everyone who is around them.
Due to the handmade nature of the material used in this product, expect slight variations in colors and size. The price indicated is for a single strand of Aura Glass Beads
Approximately 18-inches long.
Seven Lucky Bells
Regular price $75.00 Save $-75.00These beautiful copper bells are hand crafted by Indian artisans. It is made from upcycled metal and heat treated to obtain unique antiquated look. Each bell is tuned by hand to perfection. The chimes can be placed on a wall, window, door or ceiling to add a touch of a bygone era to your decor. In addition to looking just amazing, you’ll immediately get a sense of peace and serenity as these chimes sing. Combine several to get an even more amazing and customized look. The look and sound of string bells has an unbelievable calming effect on everyone who is around them.
Due to the handmade nature of the material used in this product, expect slight variations in colors and size. The price indicated is for a single strand of Aura Glass Beads
Approximately 24-inches long.
Sterling Silver Small Horn On Ring Pendant
Regular price $35.99 Save $-35.99Amethyst Facet Chunk Earrings
Regular price $29.99 Save $-29.99Turquoise Brass Wrapped Earrings
Regular price $26.99 Save $-26.99Our sterling silver jewelry are handmade by skilled artisans and each piece is unique. Unless otherwise noted, they are .925 sterling silver. Sterling silver jewelry doesn't contain metal additions that can cause an allergic reaction and hence they are hypoallergenic.
Wing Stud Earrings
Regular price $47.99 Save $-47.99Our sterling silver jewelry are handmade by skilled artisans and each piece is unique. Unless otherwise noted, they are .925 sterling silver. Sterling silver jewelry doesn't contain metal additions that can cause an allergic reaction and hence they are hypoallergenic.
Facet Labradorite Lotus Earrings
Regular price $45.00 Save $-45.00Labradorite is said to be a stone of transformation, and a useful companion through change. Our sterling silver jewelry are handmade by skilled artisans and each piece is unique. Unless otherwise noted, they are .925 sterling silver. Sterling silver jewelry doesn't contain metal additions that can cause an allergic reaction and hence they are hypoallergenic.
Blue Topaz Circle Earrings
Regular price $41.99 Save $-41.99Blue Topaz is a stone of peacefulness, calming to the emotions. Our sterling silver jewelry are handmade by skilled artisans and each piece is unique. Unless otherwise noted, they are .925 sterling silver. Sterling silver jewelry doesn't contain metal additions that can cause an allergic reaction and hence they are hypoallergenic.
Carnelian Heart Earrings
Regular price $29.99 Save $-29.99Our sterling silver jewelry are handmade by skilled artisans and each piece is unique. Unless otherwise noted, they are .925 sterling silver. Sterling silver jewelry doesn't contain metal additions that can cause an allergic reaction and hence they are hypoallergenic.ATION:
Hamsa Earrings - Oxidized Silver
Regular price $32.99 Save $-32.99Our sterling silver jewelry are handmade by skilled artisans and each piece is unique. Unless otherwise noted, they are .925 sterling silver. Sterling silver jewelry doesn't contain metal additions that can cause an allergic reaction and hence they are hypoallergenic.
Sterling Silver Small Bird Pendant
Regular price $35.99 Save $-35.99Anchor in Boat Wheel Sterling Silver Pendant
Regular price $31.99 Save $-31.99Man's Best Friend Paw Necklace
Regular price $36.99 Save $-36.99Turquoise Wire Wrap Earrings
Regular price $29.99 Save $-29.99Our sterling silver jewelry are handmade by skilled artisans and each piece is unique. Unless otherwise noted, they are .925 sterling silver. Sterling silver jewelry doesn't contain metal additions that can cause an allergic reaction and hence they are hypoallergenic.
Amethyst On Long Wire Earrings
Regular price $25.99 Save $-25.99Our sterling silver jewelry are handmade by skilled artisans and each piece is unique. Unless otherwise noted, they are .925 sterling silver. Sterling silver jewelry doesn't contain metal additions that can cause an allergic reaction and hence they are hypoallergenic.
Round Pearl Stud Earrings
Regular price $26.99 Save $-26.99Seven Flowers Jade Necklace
Regular price $110.00 Save $-110.00